Is Nationalism always the cause of war?
World War One The Causes, Conditions, and Consequences
Objectives At the end of this three day lesson you will be able to: 1.Explain the causes, conditions, and consequences of WWI. 2.Identify the WWI alliances of WWI on a map.
Why Are You Doing This Activity? You are doing this activity in order to predict, explain, and interpret the causes, the nature and effects of WWI.
Activity Instructions 1. Sit in teams of two. 2. Analyze each picture on the iPad to answer the questions on the handout. Use your prior knowledge, make predictions and discuss with your teammate about what is happening in each image. 3.When you have completed an image do not proceed to the next until your teammate is also finished.
What Do You See Here?
Causes of the War What do you see here? What do the different colors represent? Who is allied with whom? Why might these countries make alliances? Which countries might have the greatest or least need to join an alliance? What are the advantages of joining an alliance? What are the disadvantages of joining an alliance?
What Do You See Here?
What do you see here? How are people dressed? Why are some people saluting? Who might the couple in large hats be? How do they seem to be feeling? Do they look like popular leaders? What do you think happens to them ? The War Breaks Out
What Do You See Here? Eastern Front Western Front
Alliances and Fronts of the War What do you see here? Who were the Allied Powers? Who were the Central Powers? Which side appears to be winning the war? What makes you think they are winning the war?
What Do You See Here?
Reality of Soldiers Lives What do you see here? Why is this soldier covering his face? How old might he be? How might he be feeling? What might he be thinking about? Do you think this picture was taken in the beginning or middle of the war? Why?
What Do You See Here?
New weapons used in the War What do you see here? Why might these soldiers be wearing gas masks? How are machine guns different from older guns? How might machine guns affect military strategy?
What Do You See Here?
Trench Warfare What do you see here? What are the soldiers in this trench doing? Why might they be sleeping in the daytime? Why do you think soldiers are fighting in trenches? What might soldiers in the trenches fear?
What Do You See Here?
Effects of the War on the Home Front What do you see here? What are these women doing? Why are women needed to work in factories? What new skills might women learn working in industries during the war? How might this affect the traditional role of women? How do you think women felt when they lost their jobs at the end of the war when the men returned?
What Do You See Here?
Post War Economic Crisis What do you see here? What is this woman putting in the stove? Why is she performing this action? What has happened that causes her need to do this? Is her action a reflection of what is happening in her society?
What Do You See Here?
The Paris Peace Conference 1919 What do you see here? Who might these people be? Why might they be meeting at the Palace of Versailles in France? What do you think they are signing? What terms might the French and British leaders demand from the Central Powers before signing?