The rubber problem American history during WW2 By: Mutty Solomon Marlyn David Ivdu school for special ed
Public Policy Analyst AHPPA Format Step 1 – Identify the Problem Step 2 – Gather the Evidence Step 3 – Determine the Causes Step 4 – Evaluate the Policy Click here to check out the format
Step 1. Define the problem There was a rubber crises during world war two What does rubber crises mean?
Rubber was vital for the production of rafts, tires, vehicle Aircraft parts, gas masks, Boots All needed for the army.
Since there wasn’t enough rubber It was causing the army not to be able to make all the important stuff they needed.
During World War II, Japan invaded rubber- producing countries as they expanded their sphere of influence in the Pacific Rim. Step 3. identify the cause What happened?
Americas solution was 1. control rubber
2. make synthetic rubber Sheets of synthetic rubber coming off the rolling mill
Step 4 evaluate the policy Was it helpful?
students/ww2-history/at-a-glance/rubber.pdf Citation