By: Vanessa Herman Evolution Jeopardy
Types of Natural Selection Sources of Variation Changes in Allele Frequencies Random
Row 1, Col 1 Form of directional selection carried out by humans when they sow seeds or breed animals that possess desirable traits. What is artificial selection?
1,2 Provide raw material for new variation, and can invent alleles that never before existed in the gene pool. What are mutations?
1,3 Increase or decreases in allele frequencies due to the impact of the environment. What is natural selection?
1,4 The formation of new species. What is speciation?
2,1 Differential mating of males (sometimes females) in a population. What is sexual selection?
2,2 Creates individuals with new combinations of alleles that originate from events during the sexual reproductive process. What is sexual reproduction?
2,3 Introduces new alleles that may provide a selective advantage. Many are harmful. What are mutations?
2,4 Describes the details of how populations of organisms change from generation to generation and how new species originate. What is microevolution?
3,1 Eliminates individuals that have extreme of unusual traits. What is stabilizing sectionalism?
3,2 The presence of two copies of each chromosome in a cell. What is diploidy?
3,3 The introduction or removal of alleles from a population when individuals leave or enter the population. What is gene flow?
3,4 One of the earliest advocates for evolution ideas was ____. He had three general theories. Who is Lamark?
4,1 Favors traits that are at one extreme of a range of traits. What is directional selection?
4,2 Mating with unrelated partners which increases the possibility of mixing different alleles and creating new allele combinations. What is outbreeding?
4,3 A random increase or decrease of alleles by chance. What is genetic drift?
4,4 Describes patterns of changes in groups of related species of broad periods of geologic time. What is macroevolution?
5,1 Occurs when the environment favors extreme or unusual traits, while selecting against the common traits What is disruptive selection?
5,2 The ability of natural selection to maintain diversity within a population. What is balanced polymorphism?
5,3 When individuals choose mates based upon their particular traits What is nonrandom mating?
5,4 Natural selection, or survival of the fittest, was the driving force of evolution that is now called ___. What is Darwinism?