Mary Beth Creveling Physical Science
Topics Scientific Method Graphing Measurement
Identification of materials based on: Density Boiling Point
Melting point Solubility
Separation of Substances Sludge Test Chemistry
Materials Needed Notebook Pen and pencil Covered textbook Calculator
Materials Needed Highlighter 3x5 cards
Grades Based on a point system
Grades Tests - notice will be given to the students at least three days in advance
Grades Quizzes - announced and unannounced
Grades Lab - worth twenty points
Grades Homework Given almost every day
Final Exam a final exam will be given at the end of the semester Worth 20% of the final grade
Extra Help – 3A and 3B Make up folder
Communication grade sheet
Grades Can be accessed electronically using Powerschool found on the district’s website
Website List of test dates and long term assignment due dates
and voice mail Voice mail –
Thank you for coming tonight Enjoy the rest of your evening