Workshop 1 (Self-)Evaluation, Reporting, Feedback Generating & using evaluation results for quality improvement in the Netherlands HE system & in the Spanish VT system Case 1: Quality management in the Netherlands HE system – the combination of institutional self-evaluation with external evaluation & accreditation Case 2: Quality management in the Spanish VT system – provincial autonomy & state guidance in evaluating, reporting & decision-making for further improvement
Workshop 1 please delete non-discussed principles below Common Principles for Quality Assurance in E&T discussed: QA policies & procedures at all levels of E&T systems NL – HE: programme accreditation linked with QA based on common system and methodology, organization by independent agency (NVAO), implementation through external Quality Assessment Agencies Internal evaluation conditio sine qua non, results adopted by external assessment, then accreditation (could also serve as model for VET) QA as an integral part of the internal management of E&T institutions Spain – VT: Quality as a part of the management model in training centres regular evaluation by external monitoring bodies/agencies regularly reviewed external monitoring bodies/agencies combination of internal/external evaluation, peer review QA systems:+ clear definition of QA agencies’/evaluation bodies tasks and interplay + assessment framework reguloating standards, levels and contents of evaluation + assessment rules + defined evaluation cycles and periods + guidelines for implementation, including stakeholder involvement: defining & delimiting the roles of evaluation agencies
Workshop 1 Main Lessons Learned/Workshop Results 1.Very systematic approach including clear assignment of tasks and responsibilities of bodies involved at different levels is required to ensure high-level quality assurance processes 2. HE: Whatever approach is chosen in HE - programme accreditation or institutional accreditation - the implementation of a quality culture in the institution must be the goal. Similarly, QA should be an integral part of the management models of VET institutions, too. 3. Accreditation and quality assurance should always be linked, not separated.
Workshop 1 optional We propose the following two peer-learning visits for VET & HE: topichosting countrymain objective Responsibility of HE-institutions in QA Netherlands / NVAOSharing evidence- based experiences QM processes HE- institutions (quality audits) Austria / AQAExchange on methods