Final Review
384 cm 2
3 boxes
72ft 3
4 ft
276 in 3
square pyramid
15 students
1 in each class
Anna; 1 book
8 ; They are the same
What is the most popular brand of soda?
Students in Band/Orchestra
4 vertices
5 faces, 9 edges, 6 vertices
18 square units
42 in 2
30.5 in 2
218 in 2 19 * 6 = 114 in 2 13* 8 = 104 in 2
7.75h > 31
X < 6
(7, -4)
42 in 3 > 36 in 3
Favorite Subject Number of Students Math IIII IIII II Science III Social Studies IIII I Language Arts IIII I Band IIII I II I