Diabetes: Challenges in the diagnosis and care of patients in the community Dr Oudone Family Medicine Specialist CME October 15-17, 2012 Pakse
Objectives Share experiences of diagnosis and treatment for our community patients with diabetes Explore barriers to providing chronic care Develop strategies to improve diabetes care
Outline of workshop Divide the participants into small groups (4-5 people) Half of the small groups will discuss topic #1 and the other half will discuss topic #2 The groups will come back to present their ideas The participants will develop plans to improve diabetes care in the community
Small groups 4-5 participants Choose someone to write down the key points of discussion Discuss topic 20 minutes
Small group discussion Topic #1 Share experiences of diagnosis and treatment Topic #2 Explore barriers to providing care Think of a patient you saw with a new diagnosis of diabetes ▫How was the diagnosis made? ▫How did you treat the patient? ▫How did you follow-up the patient? Think of a patient you saw with chronic diabetes ▫How much did they understand about their diabetes? ▫How did the patient manage their diabetes? ▫How much follow-up did the patient have? ▫How many complications from the diabetes? What are challenges for the patient? What are challenges for the doctor? What are challenges for the Lao PDR health care system? ▫At the health center level? ▫At the district hospital level? ▫At the provincial hospital level? 20 minutes
Regroup 1 of the small groups that discussed topic #1 will present their findings Others can add ideas from their discussion 10 minutes 1 of the small groups that discussed topic #2 will present their findings Others can add ideas from their discussion 10 minutes
Large group discussion Develop plans to improve diabetes care What are some ways that a family medicine specialist can help improve diabetes care? ▫One on one with a patient? ▫At their place of work? ▫Within their community? ▫Within the country? What action should be planned to make this happen on a national level? ▫What steps can be taken? ▫Who can start this process? ▫How can it be done? 20 minutes