1 Hot off the Pad John Swords Partner and Ringleader Circ.us
2 #1 - Blackberry Playbook First “professional” tablet Dual core, lots of RAM, Runs Java, Flash, and Webkit Early 2011 availability Developers?
3 #2 - Apple Developing Video iAds Woo Hoo!
4 #3 - Revenue from Virtual Goods Higher than Mobile Advertising (Flurry) Mobile virtual goods accounted for 80 percent of freemium app revenue (Sept) Users respond to virtual good offers over advertising because its directly relevant to what they’re doing inside the app
6 #4 - Android Spreadsheet Half of the devices are 7” and 10” Only a few available in
9 #5 - Apple Testing NFC Near field communication (NFC) RFID Reader and Tag In Display 9
11 #6 - Gartner Bullish on Tablets Gartner today said tablet sales in 2010 will reach 19.5 million units this year, growing 181% to 54.8 million in
12 #7 - Microsoft Windows 7 Phone: Not For Tablets Microsoft totally overhauled their mobile OS 4” screen size limitation means no tablets 12
13 #7 - Microsoft Windows 7 Phone: Not For Tablets 13