Shavuot.... Eternal Harvest
Feast # 4 Name: Shavuot (latter first fruits) MEANING: t Leviticus 23: 9, The beginning of the grain harvest was marked by the sacrifice of the “omer” – the first sheaf of newly cut barley. 50 days later, at the end of the first fruits harvest period 2 loaves of bread, baked from the wheat of the new crop, were offered as a sacrifice. The 2 loaves were a peace offering during the Temple era. A sin-offering preceded the peace offering. The peace offering is a heart-felt thank- offering for the people WHO HAVE PEACE WITH THE LORD. The peace offering of Shavuot was a feast of fellowship and peace BETWEEN GOD AND HIS REDEEMED PEOPLE. Eternal Harvest
t PROPHETIC FULFILMENT: Feast # 4 Name: Shavuot (latter first fruits) The Lord Jesus is the First Fruits. Judaism has traditionally marked a thanks-giving to god for the early harvest, TRUSTING IN A LATER HARVEST. The first fruits has of course been offered. The implicit promise is that the latter harvest will also be gathered – and part of this latter harvest will be a large component of the Jewish people [ Romans 11: 25 – 36 ]. No longer will Mankind “walk” by commandments given in tablet s of stone, but by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, poured out at Shavuot. Every believer in Jesus must have their Shavuot moment, when the Holy Spirit first indwells them. Eternal Harvest
t PRESENT JEWISH OBSERVANCE: Feast # 4 Name: Shavuot (latter first fruits) Since the destruction of the Temple in AD70 Shavuot has “evolved” within the Rabbinic tradition – it is believed by Rabbinic Jews that Shavuot coincides with the giving of the Law to Moses. Modern observance has then become a celebration of Torah. Spiritually, it seems, Rabbinic Judaism has retreated inwards to a celebration of the “Law”, instead of an acknowledgement of the ONE who has fulfilled that Law for all Mankind. This is a tragedy. Eternal Harvest
t Re: JESUS Feast # 4 Name: Shavuot (latter first fruits) The Lord Yeshua, having fulfilled the “type” of the Passover lamb at Calvary, when the corn of wheat was metaphorically and literally placed in the ground (buried) rose from the dead to become the “first fruits”, fulfilling the “type” of the wave sheaf. Fifty days later, the Holy Spirit is poured out on believers in a dramatic new way, underlining the inauguration of the New Covenant [ Acts 1: 5 and Acts 2: 1-2 ]. (The institutional church traditionally calls this Pentecost, derived from “50”). After the latter first fruits feast (or Pentecost) God’s holy laws are written directly onto Men’s hearts and the Spirit of Jesus – the Holy Spirit – comes to indwell all who are His true disciples. Eternal Harvest
The Ecclesiastical year versus God’s Moedim Shavuot presents a richer picture, and richer truths, than we can easily represent in the format above. The real truth is that from the time of Pentecost, the harvest of believers has grown and grown – there is no limit to that growth – except the willingness of people to turn to Jesus in faith and repentance. That is the limit!
Many believe that the Shavuot period is, in reality, the whole of history from the time of the first incarnation of Jesus, until His second incarnation – which is His return in glory. Some will call this the “church age” and there is a modicum of truth in that, however the term may be deeply misleading and possibly contributes (wittingly or unwittingly) to the profound error that is dubbed “replacement theology”.
We outline this Shavuot period, in its entirety, in the following slides. The issues that these slide raise are complex and need to be worked through biblically and in prayer. However we think they express some profound truths in a relatively simple manner, so we hope you find it useful as a starting point to pursue your further study.
Remember the outline of the seven Moedim are as follows:
(1) Passover (2) Un-leavened bread (3) First Fruits (4) Shavuot (5) Trumpets (6) Atonement (7) Tabernacles
And remember that the underlying theme relates to the completed ministry of Yeshua ha Massiasch (Jesus the Messiah) in this way: Eternal Harvest
Eternal home Forgiveness and new life Second coming Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion
How then do we define the Shavuot (“latter first fruits”) period? Two definitions are possible and both are correct: Eternal Harvest
Shavuot (“latter first fruits”) definition # 1 : Jesus is the first fruits, being the second Adam and the initiator and the seal of the new covenant. The “latter first fruits” are all those Jewish believers (and others) whose story is set out in the Acts of the Apostles, the epistles, and the apocylptic revelation. In this sense the Latter First Fruits are the early church, with the full harvest yet expected.
Shavuot (“latter first fruits”) definition # 2 : The “latter first fruits” are all those who trust in Jesus as Lord and as Saviour, from the book of Acts until Messiah’s second incarnation (i.e. when Messiah returns in bodily form to this world). All of this period is, in effect, the Shavuot period. On our outline chart this can be depicted as follows:
Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion Forgiveness / New Life Second coming Eternal Home Leviticus 23: 22 The fields are “white unto harvest” during these months This is the time when the Gentiles are free to enjoy the benefits of the Harvest as aliens and “poor”. The Israelites are not to keep all the bounty for themselves – this bounty is available to all Mankind
Eternal Harvest Resurrection Burial Crucifixion Forgiveness / New Life Second coming Eternal Home The book of Ruth is emblematic of this period Ruth, a Gentile, meets her kinsman- redeemer, and became an ancestor of King David and of Yeshua. She also speaks of those Gentiles who are graciously given the “right” to glean and gain sustenance (life) from the harvest. The good news is for all Mankind!
So the amazing good news contained within God’s Moedim, is that there will be a Harvest, both an early harvest and a late harvest – and it is eternal. There is much to explore, and to marvel at, in these truths, but hopefully we have encouraged your interest to explore this further. Eternal Harvest
God’s Moedim – study materials Slide deck # 6 please join again for Slide deck # 7