ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION ON THE NOTECARD: What is the worst trip or vacation you have ever taken? Why?
SOUTHERN GOTHIC LITERATURE: QUICK NOTES G rotesque (conveys grief and pain to audience) and arabesque O ff Kilter characters (disabled, corrupt, imprisoned) T urns gothic characters/qualities into Southerners H as dark, unusual plots exploring social issues I mprisonment, Violence, and Religious themes C aptures feel of small southern town/life
DARK ROMANTICS FLIP CHART DIRECTIONS: Cover (Front Flap): Title the cover “Dark Romanticism” and include a visual of some sort that encompasses all of the short stories. First tab: Label the tab “The Devil and Tom Walker” Under the flap, Do the following 4 things: (1) Diagram the plot of the story on the back of the flap, (2) Explain the major conflicts in the story and whether it is man vs. man, man vs. self, or man vs. nature (choose 2), (3) Explanation of Gothic elements (no, you do not need quotes) and (4) Visual to go with the story. Second tab: Label the tab “Hop Frog” Under the flap, Do the following 4 things: (1) Diagram the plot of the story on the back of the flap, (2) Explain the major conflicts in the story and whether it is man vs. man, man vs. self, or man vs. nature (choose 2), (3) Explanation of Gothic elements (no, you do not need quotes) and (4) Visual to go with the story. Third and Final tab: Label the tab “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Under the flap, Do the following 4 things: (1) Diagram the plot of the story on the back of the flap, (2) Explain the major conflicts in the story and whether it is man vs. man, man vs. self, or man vs. nature (choose 2), (3) Explanation of Gothic elements (no, you do not need quotes) and (4) Visual to go with the story.