Excel 8 Review Make a review sheet by numbering as shown below. The test is timed. You can practice again if needed. Click the mouse when you are ready to begin Down to 16.
Question 01 A ____________ is a graphical representation of data. Smart ArtList ChartTable
Question 02 The chart below uses vertical bars of varying height. It is a(n) _______________ chart. Bar Combination Column Scatter
Question 03 The chart below uses horizontal bars of varying height. It is a(n) _______________ chart. BarColumn CombinationScatter
Question 04 The chart below shows the relationship between two categories of data as a set of dots with or without lines. It is a ____________ chart.. BarColumnScatter
Question 05 The chart below shows the relationship of a part to a whole. It is a(n) ___________ chart. BarColumn PieLine
Question 06 The chart data is called the ____________. It is usually a range of cells in the worksheet. You will need to highlight this before creating the chart. _______________. DatasheetData source Graphic SourceAxis
Question 07 The data series, markers or points are usually displayed as a solid color bar, slice, or column. The data series in a chart can also be ALL of the following EXCEPT: picturesgradients tabspatterns
Question 08 Charts can be appear on the same worksheet as the data source are called ____________.. EmbeddedNested Sized
Question 9 The part that is circled is the ____________. Chart titleData label Data seriesX Axis
Question 10 The part that is circled is the ____________. Chart TitleData labels Data seriesX Axis
Question 11 The part that is circled is the _____________. Chart TitleData labels Data series or markers X-Axis
Question 12 The part that is circled is the ___________. Chart TitleData label Data seriesX-Axis
Question 13 The line is pointing at the __________________ which is the rectangular area bound by the category and value axis.. Graph backPlot area Data marker
Question 14 The arrow below is pointing at the __________ which describes all of the data markers or points in a chart. Data nameSheet tab LegendData labels
Question 15 There is a value and category axis in a chart. One of these is the headings from the data and the other is the data. Which is the data? Value AxisCategory Axis
Question 16 A chart symbol (such as a bar, line, dot, slice, and so forth) that represents a single data point of value from the corresponding worksheet cell. Data marker/pointLegend Data label