OCDEL Training on the SpecialQuest Approach and Materials February 17, 2010 Ann Herbruck, Sarah Holland, Beth Fairchild and Katy McCullough
Introductions Please introduce yourself, the role you play within the early childhood community, and one burning issue that you’re currently facing in your work.
Public-private partnership between the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and the Office of Head Start Provided services to over 500 Early Head Start programs and their community partners across the country Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program (1998–2007)
SpecialQuest in PA
Results from SpecialQuest Increased number of young children with disabilities enrolled in EHS Better coordination of recruitment and service delivery in areas being served Increase in positive attitudes about partnering with families Increase in staff comfort and confidence in working with children with disabilities Development of a variety of supports for inclusion of children with disabilities
Two Long-Term Outcomes 1) More children with disabilities, birth-five, and their families are receiving high quality inclusive early care, health and education services. 2) The SQ approach and materials are sustained in practice at the local, community, and state-levels across the nation. SpecialQuest Birth–Five 2007–2010
PA State Leadership Team To create and sustain opportunities for all Pennsylvania's youngest children to benefit from high quality inclusive early care and education opportunities through approaches that unify and recognize the important contributions of all the necessary partners-families, schools, child care, early intervention, Head Start, community organizations and higher education.
SpecialQuest Materials 3 Volumes organized by theme Print and video materials Based on principles of adult learning Incorporates SpecialQuest approach elements Adaptable for variety of professional development needs
Small Group Discussion Why did you choose this session to preview? What struck you about the content of this session?
Reflection Identify a specific professional goal or responsibility that you have as part of the work that you do? How might the SQMTL materials support and enhance that work?
SpecialQuest Approach Consists of 13 elements chunked into Two categories: – Values – Design Inter-woven to create successful professional development
Activity At your table: 1.Select one of the professional goals or responsibilities discussed in the earlier session. 2.Identify examples for how you can incorporate your elements in the goal/responsibility selected. 3.Write your examples on the appropriate strips of paper provided.
Preschool Inclusion: Samantha
Reflections on Samantha Initial reactions? What elements of the SpecialQuest approach did you see depicted? What ideas do you have for using this video in your work?
Ideas for Application 1)One new thing you plan to do next week to incorporate the SpecialQuest approach into your work, 2) One resource from the SpecialQuest Multimedia Training Library that you plan to use in the next month, and 3) One way you will support your fellow learners in the next two months.