Website Campers can register for Camp 2007 Each registered Camper is automatically assigned a username and password for their account. Example. John Brown (Born. Dec 25, 1978). Username Format = First Name & Last Name & Birth Month & Year. UserID : JohnBROWN1278 Password Format Date of Birth (DDMMYY) Password: * user will be prompted to changed on first logon Campers using their username & password can change their basic profile information. Example. Phone Number, Address, Last Name
Registration Process Camper goes to Accounts for Clearance Accounts gives camper clearance slip* Camper goes to Registration Booth Clearance Slip should contain: - Date - Camper Name - Congregation - Amount Paid - Balance outstanding - Discounted Amount (If applicable) - Number of Days on Camp
Registered Camper (At Booth) Clearance slip collected Contact Information verified Camper given Booklet & Arm band Clearance slip submitted to Data Capture
Unregistered Camper (At Booth) Clearance slip collected Information on Registration Form Verified Clearance slip attached to Registration Form and submitted to Data Capture Camper given booklet and arm band
Data Capture Back Office person will update the Camp Database with the Forms collected Front Office Attendants should assist Data Capture when lines are empty
Report Assign Campers to Groups Provide Report on Daily Attendance Print Meal Listings for Group Provide Report if Camper should be leaving camp on a specified day Provide report on outstanding balances Print Medical record as required
Other Duties Back Up Database Secure Equipment