Technical Meeting on SP1 DESIGN of IP EUROTRANS FZK December 16, 2003 Presentation of SP1 DESIGN Structure and Contents Up-dates H. Aït Abderrahim
Objectives of SP1 DESIGN The objective of the DESIGN SP is to develop a reference design for a European Transmutation Demonstrator (ETD) with a power of few 100’s MW th. In this updated approach we will be developing a two step strategy for the ETD realisation: The ETD/EFIT (European Facility for Industrial-scale Transmutation) on the long term The ETD/XT-ADS (eXperimental Transmuter based on ADS) on a shorter term and being a sort of a first-of-kind of the ETD. Coolant for the XT-ADS core and the spallation target is a heavy liquid metal (Pb-Bi) Gas or Pb cooling are to be considered the core cooling of the EFIT. The most promising design options within the FP5 PDS-XADS Designs will be serving for the design of the ETD The design parameters initially considered for the XADS should be revisited in the light of the new objective of the ETD to be a large scale transmutation machine
Sources for the preparation of the SP1 DESIGN proposal: Objectives of the IP-EUROTRANS as stated Results of the Euratom 5 th Framework Programme PDS-XADS FUETRA Cluster TESTRA Cluster BASTRA Cluster Question sheets outcome from PDS-XADS Feed-back from our community after the 1st TIEM on IP EUROTRANS of Karlsruhe on Nov. 6, 2003
XADS (Gas) 80 MW(th) 250 W/cm single batch loading MYRRHA (Pb-Bi) 50 MW(th) 500 W/cm multi batch loading FP5 XADS (Pb-Bi) 80 MW(th) 110 W/cm single batch loading IP EUROTRANS: ETD Development Scheme FP6 XADS Demonstration of technological feasibility of an ADS system XT-ADS Short-term Demonstration of transmutation on a sizable scale and of the ADS behaviour EFIT Long-term Transmutation on an industrial scale FPObjectivesDesign Concepts ETD / EFIT Several 100 MW(th) W/cm multi batch loading European Transmutation Demonstration short-term demonstration long-term demonstration ETD / XT-ADS MW(th) W/cm multi batch loading
WP Structure of SP1 DESIGN WP1: Reference Design Specifications WP3: Accelerator WP4: Spallation Target WP7: Cost Assessment, Transmutation Deployment, R&D Needs WP2: Development and Assessment of ETD/EFIT and ETD/XT-ADS Designs WP2a: EFIT DesignWP2b: XT-ADS Design WP5: Safety WP5a: EFIT SafetyWP5b: XT-ADS Safety WP6: Remote Handling Design Criteria Catalogue WP6a: EFIT Remote HandlingWP6b: XT-ADS Remote Handling
WP Structure of SP1 DESIGN WP2:ETD/EFIT and ETD/ XT-ADS Designs WP3:Accelerator WP4:Spallation Target WP5:Safety WP6: Remote Handling SP1 DESIGN Output data: Advanced design file of the XT-ADS Pre-design file of the EFIT Proof of principal of Spallation target Proof of principal of accelerator components Safety reference catalogue for the ETD and licensing ETD R&D programme XT-ADS and EFIT cost assessment WP1:Reference Design Specifications Input data: Results coming from FP5 PDS-XADS BASTRA TESTRA/DEMETRA FUETRA/AFTRA Question sheets Feedback of the community after TEIM of Continuous interaction with SP4: DEMETRA SP3: FUETRA Consultancy with SCK-CEN Mgt for accepting the XT-ADS instead of MYRRHA Nat. / Intern. Programmes WP7:Costs and Deployment
SP1 DESIGN Expression of interest WP1: Reference Design Specifications WP3: Accelerator WP4: Spallation Target WP7: Cost Assessment, Transmutation Deployment, R&D Needs WP2: Development and Assessment of ETD/EFIT and ETD/XT-ADS Designs WP2a: EFIT DesignWP2b: XT-ADS Design WP5: Safety WP5a: EFIT SafetyWP5b: XT-ADS Safety WP6: Remote Handling Design Criteria Catalogue WP6a: EFIT Remote HandlingWP6b: XT-ADS Remote Handling