DBS Receiver System Presented By: Sarah Scharf, Pierre Desjardins, GuiPing Zhang, Peter Eseraigbo Supervisor: Prof. Barry Syrett
Overview and Background Operates in Ku Band 12-18GHz Design is based on Bell Satellite Receiver As of 2010 Bell TV had over 2 million satellite customers DBS Receiver http://sonamjourno.blogspot.ca/2012_09_01_archive.html
Motivation Receivers are used in all communication systems Cellular communication Military radar and navigations systems Television broadcasting Opportunity to develop design skills which are directly applicable to the communication industry
Significance of Project Opportunity to create a basic receiver design and look for possible improvement suggestions This receiver design can be used by future students to investigate more efficient and cheaper receiver design options
Satellite Receiver System Diagram of our system:
Project Management Each individual was assigned a component to research and design Conducted weekly group meetings Met with supervisor on an as-needed basis Communicated both verbally and through email frequently
Roles and Responsibilities Pierre: Antenna system and band-pass filter Reflector dish and Antenna feed Name Expected Results Antenna Gain 34.5dBi 32.77dBi 3dB Beamwidth 3.5deg 4deg 10dB Beamwidth 5.5deg 6deg
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Band-Pass Filter (12.25GHz -12.75GHz)
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Gui: the two stage LNA is designed with microstrip transmission line and used pseudomorphic high-electron- mobility transistors. The designed gain is 20 dB and noise figure is lower than 2 dB.
Design LNA Methods and Techniques Using ADS software; Designed with Microstrip transmission lines instead of lump elements. Started from Stage one with lower noise figure and then second stage with high gain. Optimized gain, noise figure and stability in ADS environment.
Challenges and Solution How to maintain the circuit stability at the meantime achieving enough gain; Solution is by make a compromise between gain and stability The minimum specified gain for this LNA is 20 dB
Design Results Noise figure and stability It only has lower than 2 dB noise figure. And the circuit is stable
Design Results-Final Layout This two stage LNA is expected to produce the required gain
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Peter: 11.25 GHz Dielectric Resonator Oscillator (DRO) Primary purpose of the oscillator is to generate and maintain a needed waveform at a constant amplitude and specific frequency Antenna IF = LO - RF MIXER IF Filter Signal Processing IF RF LO BPF LNA OSCILLATOR RF = 12.5 GHz IF = 1.25 GHz LO = Local Oscillator IF = Intermediate Frequency RF = Radio Frequency LO = 11.25 GHz LO = 11.25 GHz
Advantages of topology Methods and Techniques Circuit Topology Topology uses a resonator coupled to microstrip line, functioning as a high-Q bandstop filter that couples a portion of the transistor output back to its input. Advantages of topology Very high unloaded Q (Several thousand) lumped elements are limited to few hundred Low phase noise (Better) Good output power Excellent temperature stability of material they are made from Matching Network Series Feedback DRO
Circuit Implementation In ADS Simulation done using large signal simulator –Harmonic Balance Parallel Resonant Circuit with transformer coupling Active Device (BJT) Matching Network Circuit Shematic Series Feedback DRO circuit in ADS
Challenges and Solutions Getting oscillator to oscillate Adding current pulse Achieving desired oscillation frequency Investigating what circuit components affect oscillator frequency. Trial and Error. Changing LC values and re- simulating until oscillation frequency was achieved.
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Sarah: Active BJT Mixer Methods and Techniques BFU710 by NXP selected as active mixer component Chosen mixer topology
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Challenges and Solutions I-V curve for BJT showing approximate bias point Mixer starting point
Roles and Responsibilities (con’t) Results and Discussion Approximate layout Output Spectrum: Output voltage at 1.25 GHz
Progress to Date Chosen and purchased active components Design using ADS and HFSS Simulation of design Design layouts completed Send out layouts for manufacturing
Next Steps Complete and test individual printed circuits Complete second iteration of design and manufacture if necessary Present final result in written report
DBS Receiver Please stop by our poster for further technical details.
References http://www.digitalhome.ca/2011/02/average -bell-tv-subscriber-spends-75-a-month/ http://www.dbsinstall.com/GeneralInfo/Satell ite_TV_Frequency_Bands.asp http://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/98feb/feb 98a6.pdf http://elcodis.com/parts/421841/ATF- 36163-BLKG.html