1 Seven Parallel Sections in Two Divisions Christ in the midst of the lamp stands (1-3) The seven trumpets (8-11) Vision of heaven and the seven seals (4-7) The persecuting dragon (12-14) The seven bowls (15-16) The fall of Babylon (17-19) The great consummation (20-21)
2 Revelation 4: A Throne in Heaven John sees a door and is invited to come up to see what will soon take place. A reminder to us to look at life from a heavenly perspective – and see who really rules the universe. Beautiful throne – the seat of power for the universe Thunder and lightening – power - holiness - judgement Seven spirits (representing the Holy Spirit) 24 elders representing Old and New Testament saints “Thou art worthy oh Lord” “Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea” 4 living creatures representing the angels Lion, ox, man, eagle Singing “Holy, Holy, Holy”
3 Rev 5: The Scroll and the Lamb Scroll with seven seals – representing a plan that must be fulfilled as the seals opened – that will result in the ultimate victory of God and his people. Who is worthy to set it in motion ? No-one could even look at it. John wept – the whole world is in the control of the evil one – who can solve the problem? Lion of Judah – Root of David – Lamb that was slain “With harps and with viols” Chapter 4 was praise for creation – now there is praise for redemption. Golden bowls are the prayers of the saints – Jesus involves us in the plan. “Thou art worthy oh lamb”
4 Rev 6: The Seals – Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1. White horse – rider represents Christ – conquer through the gospel – millions are delivered from Satan’s kingdom as gospel is proclaimed 1. This will unleash terrible trials that will impact those who are redeemed as well as the rest of the world. 2. Nonetheless, everything that will happen is under God’s power and will ultimately benefit his people. 2. Fiery red horse – given power to take peace from the earth 3. Black horse – Famine – but limited power 4. Pale horse followed by death and Hades – sword, famine, plague, wild beasts but limited to ¼ of the earth
Revelation 6: Remaining Three Seals 5. Souls that had been slain calling for justice Told to wait until the number to be slain is reached Emphasizes that it’s all part of a bigger plan 6. Earthquake, sun black, moon blood, stars fall World is wound up by God All the “powerful” are terrified and trying to hide
6 Revelation 7 – Focus on God’s People Winds are held back until 144,000 sealed Similar to blood on the door during the plagues Literally, these are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel Probably represents all God’s people, Jews and Gentiles who live through the great tribulation period Vision changes to include millions from every tribe, tongue and nation Those in white are identified as those who have come out of the great tribulation Ends with a picture of heaven