Heirs to War The conflict between East and West
Background: USA 1945: The United States was the only major political power whose territory was not devastated by WW2 It produced, at that time, more than half of the world’s total industrial & agricultural output It had vast reserves of oil It was the only nation that had the atomic bomb It was, therefore, the new leader of the industrialized world, under President Harry S Truman.
Background: USSR The Soviet Union had lost 27 m of its citizens in WW2. (More than 40 million people had lost their lives by the time World War II ended in Europe on 8 May It had the largest land mass It was a highly centralized totalitarian state under Josef Stalin It had a bounty of natural resources Along with the other Eastern European occupied countries, it was a major source of technological expertise & industrial equipment. It was the second largest industrial power in the world It had, therefore, “superpower” status
Hardship and upheaval for many nations Western European economies were devastated. Why? Japan’s economy was ruined & its territory occupied China was in the midst of civil war. On August 9, Soviet forces had invaded Japanese-occupied Manchuria in China. India was struggling for independence from Britain Many African & South East Asian nations were trying to come out from under the yoke of colonialism Most Latin American countries were under military dictatorships
Origins of the East-West conflict Relations between the USA and Soviet Union were often strained. 1 st “Red Scare”: In the US after the Russian Revolution of 1917 (which did away with the Russian empire under the Czars), there was much radical political activity- hence, much fear But in 1933: USA under President Franklin Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to the USSR Then, in 1939: the USSR signed a secret non-aggression pact with Germany But…
The “Grand Alliance” Germany defied pact and attacked USSR December, Germany declared war on US So the USSR, USA, and Britain formed the Grand Alliance in 1941