Intervention and Support Inclusion Questions
Early and Strategic How does the school provide purposeful early intervention and support to lift the performance of all pupils, and ensure pupils achieve their agreed learning targets and goals? How does the school ensure staff show good subject knowledge and familiarity with recent developments in their field, plan effectively and have clear objectives for taught sessions and other learning experiences that all pupils can understand and become actively engaged in?
Differentiated How do staff effectively diagnose individual learning needs and then provide appropriate support for all pupils? How does the school offer support and guide pupils appropriately taking account of social, educational, ethnic or linguistic background and secure equal treatment of disabled pupils?
Accelerated Learning How do senior management effectively train, deploy and manage staff to match the needs of all learners and maximise the acceleration of their progress? Is this reviewed and shared within and beyond the school. Is there an effective whole school approach which includes engaging with parents, carers and other agencies in order to support individual pupils’ well being and achievements? Do teachers make good use of time set aside for planning preparation and assessment and work closely with support staff to assess learners’ progress, identify specific needs and plan appropriate interventions?
Monitoring Progress What processes does the school use to identify pupils with ALN? How does the school review, moderate and evaluate teacher assessments, the analysis of data and the monitoring of all ability groups to inform an early intervention strategy? How are lessons learned from best practice within and beyond the school?
Pupil Targets Are pupils involved in their own target setting? Do pupils receive feedback on their progress and attainment? How is information on pupil progress shared with parents? how often and by what methods is this done?
Leadership responsibility Do senior managers regularly review schools’ progress in addressing and meeting the pupils’ well being and learning needs and is this established as part of the school’s core business? If in-school variation between pupils’ attainments and across curriculum areas and key stages or departs is identified, how is it addressed?
Intervention and Support Classroom What is the impact of teaching/procedures on the child in your classroom? Is teaching differentiated? Do the methods and approaches used enable work be matched to pupils’ needs, ability and learning styles to facilitate access for all pupils? Does teaching take full account of information and targets in individual education plans? Are teachers inclusive? Are there high expectations? including MAT
Classroom (Continued) Are parents fully involved? Are they informed when their child is identified as having ALN and are involved in IEP reviews? Are targets set to improve the standards of individuals and groups of pupils with ALN? Are children involved in setting IEP targets? Are teaching arrangements for withdrawing pupils or providing in-class support sufficiently well planned to enable effective learning to take place Are TAs involved in planning and are they well trained? Is ICT used effectively to support pupils with ALN.
Intervention and Support School What is the impact of the provision on the individual child in your school? Are there well organised procedures for undertaking assessments so enable early identification and intervention? Is there a planned and graduated approach to identification and diagnosis as exemplified in the Code of Practice? Does the school use a range of diagnostic tools and the expertise of outside agencies to identify and review the specific needs of learners including outside agencies? Is there accurate recording of the provision of pupils with ALN/SEN? E.g provision map
School (continued) Are all staff appropriately trained to meet the needs of the pupils they work with? TAs and teachers etc. Do pupils with ALN/SEN participate fully in the life and work of the school and the wider community? Is the Governing Body aware of SEN/ALN and is involved in monitoring the provision? How is SEN provision monitored for effectiveness? including delegated funding? What self-evaluation arrangements have been established? Are there effective transition arrangements in pupils’ education?
Local Authority Does the intervention of outside agencies impact positively on the child? Are the staff accessing training that is provided by LEA? both in school and off site Do external agencies and support services make effective contributions to assessment? Does school implement the advice provided by outside agencies?
Local Authority (continued) Is appropriate evidence submitted with referrals to LEA for statutory assessment? Are annual reviews of statements held in accordance with CoP and is there involvement of parents? Are adaptions made to provide access for those with disability according to Disability Discrimination Act? Is delegated funding effective?
WAG What effect does WAG guidance have on the pupils in your school? Does the school take account of WAG guidance on ALN/SEN? Is there proper regard to the SEN and Disability Act 2001 and the associated Code of Practice