Building Schools for the Future Transforming the Learning Landscape in Birmingham
A vision of education
Opening up access to global knowledge, information and communication. growing up in a world surrounded by technology regarding and using ICT as a natural part of their everyday life and environment
Children of the 21st century now entered our schools will have the opportunities to learn vital skills and achieve their potential develop as effective and responsible citizens able to contribute positively to community and social development as well as their own.
Learning in the 21st century harness the power of new and emerging technology learning can take place how, where and when it is most appropriate
Guiding principles Flexibility Innovation Partnership Reliability Security Citizen participation in learning communities.
Our vision flexible and accessible learning environments enable transformation of the learning process liberate and facilitate learning rather than to confine and constrain integrated approach, enabling the development of true e-mature communities of learners able to initiate and exploit learning opportunities anywhere and at any time
Our vision acknowledge the ever-changing ICT landscape ensure that learners are always able to gain maximum benefit as new and emergent technologies are developed
Major impact on the curriculum enabling learning to become a personalised model planned between learners and teachers Teachers become enablers of learning, with the learning no longer constrained by “subject boundaries”
Shift of curriculum emphasis towards learning skills: –searching –analytical –interpretive –presentational giving the learner a sense of independence and control
Shift of curriculum emphasis focus on learning skills and collaboration rather than subject content reflects the changes and challenges learners will face in later life enabling greater access and flexibility in curriculum delivery, particularly as requirements change.
Differentiated materials and expertise access facilitated by the learners’ use of ICT greater range of learning pathways for individuals enabling learners to move seamlessly between one learning environment and another development of curriculum pathways supporting minority subjects by using learning communities, web and video conferencing.
Learning Space can work appropriately, whether independently or in large and small group learning experiences may include distance learning or videoconferencing range of learning and teaching styles designed collaboratively by educational and architectural professionals along with the learners
Learning Space thinking innovatively about creating spaces and buildings able to work and evolve in future years, enabling use to be made of emerging technologies “ICT-rich” and facilitate access to equipment for generating, displaying, storing and interacting with learning technologies and content use PPLD to connect to the school’s infrastructure and resources
Access Personal Portable Learning Device (PPLD) Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) ICT resources and communications allow links to cultural homelands and communities facilitate continued learning for learners making extended visits abroad.
Access help foster good communications in our local communities break barriers of ignorance which create intolerance and fear enable communities to maintain diverse family and cultural links
Transform working lives enabling the sharing of good practice true community not constrained by location or time conduct professional conversations with others develop personal portfolios and access on-line mentoring enhanced potential for professional development at times appropriate to the individual
Engagement with care and other professionals concerned with children’s development give an emphasis on the “whole child” systems interoperable and compatible with those of other agencies
Professional Development professional development is a high priority development of pedagogy and raising standards. CLCs engaged in innovative work in curriculum development and associated ICT training CLCs as Centres of Innovation so that best practice can be developed for learners, teachers and support staff
How will we know? integral to improving learning and teaching across all subjects and ages, in and beyond educational settings; improved access to learning for all with a diverse range of individual needs used as a tool for whole-school improvement ICT capability is developed and is valued as essential for participation in today’s global society and economy
How will we know? identify, promote and celebrate best practice where ICT enhances learning appropriate ICT is available and used routinely and regularly schools become hubs for community learning, communication and information