Oral presentation Qual Thesis Journal club Lab meeting Presentation at meeting Clear Interesting
Choice of a paper Nature Methods Goal: 1. On topic 2. Important and interesting to a large audience Localization AND (Cell [ta] OR Science [ta] OR Nature [ta])
Introduction 2-3 slides From general to particular
Introduction-Example 1
Transcription is important in neural stem cells SMRT=NcoR2 is a nuclear co-repressor Histones get methylated at lysine 27. There are demethylases that target these lysines SMRT -/- mice have defects in the cortex. Significance? Question? What do I need to know? Scheme/visuals? Punch line?
Neural stem cells neural stem cells progenitors neuronalglial Development of the nervous system Regeneration of adult brain
Transcriptional regulation in neurogenesis? Program of target genes? SMRT Neuronal fate
Localization of molecules In situ hybridization of RNA: Target genes for SMRT Immunofluorescence: Role of SMRT on cell fate (neuronal versus glial markers)
Approaches 1 scheme is better than 1000 words 1-2 slides Emphasize controls and limitations
Example-Figure1 Title? Method used? Legend? Are all panels relevant? Is the Figure relevant? Conclusion?
SMRT normally prevents neuronal differentiation Method: In situ hybridization on brain sections at embryonic Day 12.5 WTKOWTKO Mash1 Gad1Dlx1 Emx2 Markers of differentiated neurons were increased in SMRT KO brains
Packaging Use Arial or Helvetica bold Front Yellow letters Black letters Use animation *not too much*
Delivery Stand up Look at the audience Speak loudly + articulate Display enthusiasm Practice makes perfect