UbD - Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Our Big Idea Making Best Practices, Common Practice *create a variety of assessments, to be used throughout the lesson, which are aligned with the learning goal (unpacked standards)
Our Essential Question What is the best way?
Why Assess? Assessments are not just to provide a ‘grade’ Purpose of assessment: Determine if learner ‘got it’……Gather evidence which demonstrates learning outcomes were achieved Help teachers determine extent of student understanding Guide next steps of instructions Provide appropriate scaffolding/differentiated instruction for students throughout the learning experience Provide feedback to stakeholders (students/parents)
3 Basic questions when designing assessments: 1.What kinds of evidence do we need to demonstrate understanding of learning goals? 2.What specific characteristics in student responses, products, or performances should we examine to determine the extent to which the desired results were achieved (rubrics designed) 3.Does the proposed evidence enable us to infer student’s knowledge, skill, or understanding (is it reliable, valid, and differentiated)
Kinds of evidence … Continuum of Assessments Informal checks forunderstandingObservationsand dialogues Tests andquizzesAcademicprompts Performancetasks
What are the specific characteristics we are looking for? Two possible ways to look at this: 1)6-facets of understanding 2)Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Know itCan apply itHeard of itCan teach it Emerging Developing ProficientAdvanced 6-Facets of Learning Explain Interpret Self-knowledge Perspective Apply Empathy
Are the assessments reliable and valid? Reliable: we have confidence in the pattern of results … Valid: Is the assessment fair? Is it measuring what you asked the student to learn? Is it measuring in a way which students can demonstrate understanding? (does it match their learning styles?)
Our Big Idea Make Best Practices, Common Practice
When speaking of evidence of understanding, we are referring to evidence gathered through a variety of formal and informal assessments during a unit of study
Our Essential Question What is the BEST Way?
effectively guide and provide evidence for student achievement of established learning goals measure understanding/learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy or the 6-facets of Understanding allow for differentiation, as well as, on-going feedback for specific learning goals (what students will know and be able to do) Create assessments which….