Math Night Presentation
Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards IFjtmsxRfPgETa3A-KzgOGtcTws83lozqlFcF-q86fab4k=w1280-h720-n-k-rw
Calendar Math Daily practice and review of math concepts and skills.
Differentiated Small Groups Exploration Conceptual & Procedural Teacher Support Independent Practice
Math Practices
Fact Fluency Math fact fluency is the ability to recall the answers to basic math facts quickly and accurately. Fluent isn’t halting, stumbling, or reversing oneself. It is important to develop understanding that leads to fluency. The roots of this understanding often extend one or more grades earlier than the grade when fluency expected. Fact fluency is gained through significant practice.
Fluency of Strategies Computational fluency is having efficient, flexible, and accurate methods for computing. Solving real life problems and knowing which method is best based on the given problem is important. Natural progression to solving problems Regular to us, not to kids
Problem Solving Steps to Success
Analyzing Problems What does a child understand? Did the child make sense of the problem? Is the child using a fluent strategy? Are student’s showing knowledge of place value? What are the next steps?