updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008Discussion: Rules & Markup- 1 CmpE 583- Web Semantics: Theory and Practice DISCUSSION: RULES & MARKUP Atilla ELÇİ Computer Engineering Department Eastern Mediterranean University
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 2 Midterm Exam Q&A
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 3 CASE STUDIES Q & A.
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 4 RuleML papers KANG, Juyoung and Jae Kyu LEE: Extraction of structured rules from Web pages and maintenance of mutual consistency. In [Schroeder-2003] pp: MATHEUS, J. Christopher, Mitch M. KOKAR, Kenneth BACLAWSKI, and Jerzy LETKOVSKI: Constructing RuleML-based domain theories on top of OWL ontologies. In ibid pp:
RuleML papers (continued) Business Rules Markup Language (Wikipedia) Business Rules Markup Language R2ML -- The REWERSE I1 Rule Markup Language R2ML -- The REWERSE I1 Rule Markup Language CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 5
Contexts and Ontologies ( The Fourth International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies (C&O- 2008)C&O Held at Patras, Greece July 2008 Hosted by the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-08)ECAI-08 Proceedings: full text is available. Proceedings CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 6
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Information interoperability and reuse via multiple contexts and ontologies. Coordination of multiple contexts and ontologies. Modular ontologies. Ontology matching Scalability of techniques for combination of contexts and ontologies Logical formalisms for contexts and ontologies. Distributed reasoning algorithms for contexts and ontologies. Complexity of distributed reasoning for contexts and ontologies Comparison of uses of contexts and ontologies. Applications of reasoning with contexts and ontologies in the areas of semantic web, information retrieval, e-commerce, telecommunications, multimedia, content indexing, grid and peer-to-peer, pervasive computing and ambient intelligence CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 7
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 8 C&O-2005: 1st CFP The AAAI-05 Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2005). July 9-10, 2005, AAAI Workshop Program, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Deadline for the submissions: March 11, Also check the following to take place in parallel: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05), andAAAI-05 Seventeenth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (IAAI-05)IAAI-05
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 9 C&O-2005: TOPICS Foundations: Coordination of multiple contexts and ontologies; Meaning negotiation of multiple contexts and ontologies; Languages for combination of multiple contexts and ontologies; Logics for combination of multiple contexts and ontologies. Theory & Practice: Techniques and tools for matching (aligning) contexts and ontologies; Techniques and tools for merging contexts and ontologies; Techniques and tools for transforming contexts and ontologies; Techniques and tools for translating contexts and ontologies; Techniques and tools for reconciling contexts and ontologies; Techniques for query answering based on multiple contexts and ontologies; Benchmarking of tools for integration of contexts and ontologies; Comparisons of techniques and tools for matching, merging, transforming, translating, and reconciling contexts and ontologies; Scalability of techniques for integration of contexts and ontologies; Comparison of uses of contexts and ontologies. Applications: Semantic Web; DB model management; E-commerce; Telecommunications, multimedia, content indexing; Knowledge management solutions for large organizations; Pervasive computing systems.
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 10 References [Schroeder-2003] SCHROEDER, Michael, and WAGNER, Gerd (editors): Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop RuleML 2003, Springer ISBN:
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 11 BİLTEK st CFP International Informatics Congress, June 2005, Eskişehir, TR. BİLTEK2005 will mainly focus on software. Deadline for paper submission: 1 April 2005.
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 12 The EURO mGOV st CFP The First Euro Conference on Mobile Government, July 2005, Sussex University, Brighton, The United Kingdom. Organised and sponsored by: NOKIA, mGci, mGovLab, IUJ Business School. Proceedings will be published by mGci: ISBN Covering all aspects of mobile business, technologies and e-government, exhibitions and demos and research, practice and policy presentations. Full paper submissions: 25 February 2005.
updated CmpE 583 Fall 2008 Discussion: Rules & Markup- 13 AB’05 VII. Akademik Bilişim Konferansı, 2-4 February, 2005, Gaziantep, TR. For more info: Get together for informaticians from universities. Mainly Turkish language, but papers in English are also welcome. Paper submission is through Deadline for application: 31 December 2004.