Introduction to Mexican American identity UNIT GOAL: Define central terms and evaluate basic issues and themes.
Today’s Objective After participating in and PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS DISCUSSION, students will be able to use academic behaviors and practice discourse of scholarship to discuss PERSPECTIVES of the CONQUEST and evaluate its importance to the study of Mexican American cultural identity.
Philosophical Chairs Directions : Read the following statements and rate your level of agreement from AGREE TO DISAGREE. Prepare to discuss you answer by writing a brief explanation of your opinion on the lines which follow.
Before we begin: Circle your Mastery Target
AGREEDISAGREE Learning about the first people of the Americas is important to understand Mexican American identity and culture.
AGREEDISAGREE Overall, the Spanish conquest had a positive effect on Mexican American identity.
AGREEDISAGREE Traditions and cultures of indigenous should be relearned and revisited in order for Mexican Americans to have a positive self image.
AGREEDISAGREE Schools should do more to help students understand the perspectives and appreciate contributions of indigenous people.
AGREEDISAGREE By forgetting about indigenous cultural heritage, individuals are becoming the coyotes Dona Luz warns about in her poetry and betraying the community that they come from.
AGREEDISAGREE The casta system which Paul Apodaca introduced us to continues to have an effect on Mexican American identity.
After Discussion: Identify the Mastery Level Accomplished
Whip Around I liked when _______ said __________ because _______________. An interesting idea _______________ Something I learned from the discussion ______________________. I still don’t understand _____________.