111. 222 Discussion  What is the study scope of International Trade Practice ?  What are the main features of international trade as compared with domestic.


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Presentation transcript:


222 Discussion  What is the study scope of International Trade Practice ?  What are the main features of international trade as compared with domestic trade ?  Why should we study international trade ?  What do you expect to learn from this course ?

333 Course Description International Trade Practice is a discipline specializing in the study of concrete process of international commodity exchange and a comprehensive applied science characterized by practical international business activities. It concerns basic principles and knowledge of international trade theories, policies, international laws and practices, international finance, international transportation, international insurance and their applications. International Trade Practice is a discipline specializing in the study of concrete process of international commodity exchange and a comprehensive applied science characterized by practical international business activities. It concerns basic principles and knowledge of international trade theories, policies, international laws and practices, international finance, international transportation, international insurance and their applications.

444 Course Objective The course aims at analyzing and studying the practices of international commodity exchange, summarizing the practice experience gained at home and abroad, and applying it into international trade business activities. The course aims at analyzing and studying the practices of international commodity exchange, summarizing the practice experience gained at home and abroad, and applying it into international trade business activities.

555 Course Requirements Course Requirements Students are required to not only understand the basic Students are required to not only understand the basic principles, basic knowledge and basic skills of international principles, basic knowledge and basic skills of international trade but also develop the ability to analyze and solve problems in actual international trade activities. Course assessment Course assessment The course will be assessed using the following methods: (a) case studies/ presentations (a) case studies/ presentations (b) assignments (b) assignments (c) exam (c) exam (d) class attendance (d) class attendance

666 Main Contents of the Course This course which takes international commodity transactions as its object, trade terms and conditions as its focus, international trade practices and laws as its basis, and connects the foreign trade practices in China, introduces the main contents, and basic links of the construction and performance of the sales contract for the international sale of goods. ( 1 ) Contract clauses ( 2 ) Trade terms ( 3 ) Negotiation and performance

777 Contents of the Course Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Chapter 2 Business Negotiation and Conclusion of the Contract Chapter 3 Quality and Quantity of Goods Chapter 4 Packing and Marking Chapter 5 International Trade Terms Chapter 6 International Cargo Transport Chapter 7 International Cargo Transport Insurance Chapter 8 International Payments Chapter 9 Inspection, Claims, Force Majeure and Arbitration Chapter 10 Performance of the Contract

888 References References  孙湘生. 国际贸易实务. 清华大学出版社,北方交通大学出版社, 2005  张立玉. 国际贸易进出口实务. 武汉大学出版社, 2004 刘法公. 国际贸易实务英语. 浙江大学出版社, 2002  刘法公. 国际贸易实务英语. 浙江大学出版社, 2002 王沅沅.国际贸易实务.北京:高等教育出版社,  王沅沅.国际贸易实务.北京:高等教育出版社, 祝卫. 出口贸易模拟操作教程. 上海人民出版社,1999  祝卫. 出口贸易模拟操作教程. 上海人民出版社,1999 翁凤翔.国际商贸实践.杭州:浙江大学出版社,  翁凤翔.国际商贸实践.杭州:浙江大学出版社, 邹 勇.国际商贸英语实务.成都:西南财经大学出版社,  邹 勇.国际商贸英语实务.成都:西南财经大学出版社, 张立玉 何康民.国际贸易进出口实务.武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2004  张立玉 何康民.国际贸易进出口实务.武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2004 吴百福.进出口贸易实务教程. (第 4 版)上海:上海人民出版社,  吴百福.进出口贸易实务教程. (第 4 版)上海:上海人民出版社, 程达军, 李延玉.国际贸易实务.北京:高等教育出版社,  程达军, 李延玉.国际贸易实务.北京:高等教育出版社, 《国际贸易问题》《国际贸易》《国际商报》 《国际贸易问题》《国际贸易》《国际商报》

999 Some domestic network resources  外贸手册  中国贸促网  中国外经贸  中国对外经贸国际合作部  中国国际贸易网  阿里巴巴(国际站)  中国国际贸易发展网  中国出口精英网  离岸商务网 离岸商务网  商资网 商资网  中国出口营销网 中国出口营销网 推荐

10 Some international trade organizations and their websites Some international trade organizations and their websites    oecd. org / OECD ( Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) oecd. org / oecd. org /  UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development )  U.S. Chamber of Commerce 推荐