69th IETF, Chicago, July 2007 PCE Working Group Meeting IETF-69, July 2007, Chicago Online Agenda and Slides at: bin/wg/wg_proceedings.cgi Co-chairs: JP Vasseur/Adrian Farrel ADs: Ross Callon/Dave Ward
69th IETF, Chicago, July 2007 Agenda Agenda - PCE Working Group Meeting - IETF-69 - Chicago - July ) Agenda/admin (Chairs - 5mn) [5] 2) Working Group progress (Chairs - 10mn) [15] 3) Inter-AS Requirements for the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) - draft-ietf-pce-interas-pcecp-reqs-02.txt (Kenji/Raymond/Nabil - 10mn) [25] 4) Update on "Extensions to the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) for Route Exclusions" (Eiji/Adrian - 10mn) [35] 5) Update on Path Computation Element (PCE) Communication Protocol (PCEP) draft-ietf-pce-pcep-08.txt (JL - 10mn) [45] 6) Encoding of Objective Functions in Path Computation Element (PCE) communication and discovery protocols draft-leroux-pce-of-01.txt (JL - 10mn) [55] 7) Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) Requirements and Protocol Extensions In Support of Global Concurrent Optimization draft-ietf-pce-global-concurrent-optimization-00.txt (Young Lee - 5mn) [60] 8) Diff-Serv Aware Class Type Object for Path Computation Element Communication Protocol draft-sivabalan-pce-dste-01.txt (Sami Boutros - 10mn) [70] 9) Update on PCE MIBs (Emile/Kiran - 15mn) [85] draft-ietf-pce-tc-mib-01.txt draft-ietf-pce-disc-mib-01.txt draft-kkoushik-pce-pcep-mib-00.txt 10) Applicability of GMPLS and PCE to Wavelength Switched Optical Networks - draft-bernstein-ccamp-wavelength-switched-00.txt (Greg - 10mn) [95] 11) Preserving Topology Confidentiality in Inter-Domain Path Computation and Signaling - draft-ietf-pce-path-key-00.txt (Adrian - 10mn) [105] 12) Update on Policy-Enabled Path Computation Framework draft-ietf-pce-policy-enabled-path-comp-01.txt (Lou - 5mn) [110]
69th IETF, Chicago, July 2007 Working Group Update New RFC: RFC 4927 on Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCECP) Specific Requirements for Inter-Area MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering We need to now close on draft-ietf-pce-interas-pcecp-reqs Rev -02 just posted Please review and comment Objective is to LC after Chicago PCEP (rev08: editorial + minor enhancement) 9 Implementations ! BRPC quite stable (refresh until LC) New Working Group IDs: draft-ietf-pce-global-concurrent-optimization-00 MIB work on PCEP makes progress
69th IETF, Chicago, July 2007 Working Group Update IS-IS and OSPF PCE Discovery IDs Comments received during IESG review New revisions (-06) just posted Terminology: PCE Congested -> PCE Overloaded Congestion Duration field removed from the CONGESTION sub-TLV (now called OVERLOAD sub-TLV). Clarification on the usage of the “overload” information PCE address MUST be reachable => SHOULD "An IS-IS/OSPF implementation SHOULD..." replaced by "A PCE implementation supporting the IS-IS/OSPF extensions SHOULD" On-going discussion on whether to use the RI LSA or define a new Opaque LSA New PCE/OSPF/ISIS WG LC right after Chicago once we will have cleared the DISCUSS.