16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 Team Lead Science Computing Facility TLSCF at UAH Dr. Roy Spencer Dr. Danny Braswell Dr. Elena Lobl Mr. Don Moss Ms. Dawn Conway
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF TLSCF at UAH TLSCF Data Flow TLSCF Operating Environment Science Team Software Delivery Requirements Current AMSR-E Science Software Current AMSR2 Science Software AMSR-E / AMSR2 Schedule
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Science Team GHCC SIPS NSIDC DAAC Algorithm, documentation, QA, and ECS metadata updates Documentation, ESDT’s, user support Browse images, anomaly resolution, Provenance metadata, LANCE product review Delivered Algorithm Package (DAP) Data Flow
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E (Sunny) AMSR2 / Future AMSR-E (Gusty) Operating SystemRHEL bitRHEL bit C compilergcc Fortran compilerLahey, ifortgfortran, ifort HDF4.2r15 HDF-EOS2.145 TLSCF Operating Environment
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Science Team Software Delivery Requirements Update from the latest DAP Software o HDF version o HDF-EOS Geo fields o Use current version of input data Delivery notes Include test input / output data
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Delivery Notes Describes the science software changes, including new requirements Lists known issues associated with the release Describes the file naming convention Includes input and output file descriptions Identifies the required operating system, compilers, libraries, and third party software Lists and describes all routines and ancillary files, identifying the ones that have changed Contacts Operating instructions
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software All operational software is updated to include o New ISO metadata, updated ECS metadata o New ESDT o New L2A Reader o Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software L2A Brightness Temperatures o V12 reprocessing completed July 2013 (RSS v07) o Recalibrated Brightness Temperatures o Improved RFI flags; format changes L3 Sea Ice V15 o Reprocessing completed July 2014 Update Southern Hemisphere sea ice mask Update the algorithm to correct internal land / ocean flag that conflicted with the new sea ice mask o Minor updates to Bootstrap at TLSCF (received )
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software L2 Ocean o Last algorithm updates were in V05, April 2007 o Updates expected; will utilize latest TB’s and record new RFI flags L3 Ocean o Last algorithm updates were in V04, May 2010 o Updates expected; will utilize the latest RFI flags o Reprocessing after L2 Ocean reprocessing
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software L2 Land o At TLSCF, I&T has begun o Combined Single Channel Algorithm (SCA) and Normalized Polarization Difference (NPD) algorithm o New format o Unified ancillary files L3 Land o Updates expected after L2 Land delivery o Reprocessing after L2 Land reprocessing
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software L2 Rain o GPROF 2010 currently at SIPS for reprocessing o Next update? L3 Rain o New algorithm; derived from L2 Rain (GPROF 2010) o Monthly; 0.25 degree resolution
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Current AMSR-E Science Software L3 Snow o Last algorithm update B05, November 2005 o Updates? L3 Sea Ice Drift o Last algorithm update B03, October 2013 o Replacement algorithm expected from science team o Validated?
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF AMSR2 Science Software Integration at TLSCF equivalent to AMSR-E o Update the metadata, QA, and operational code o Update Provenance metadata o Integrate and test o Compare output o Prepare DAP o Provide documentation to NSIDC o Update the ESDT o Provide support to the SIPS to resolve processing issues
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF AMSR2 Science Software JAXA L1R o Reader written and tested by Bruce Beaumont of the SIPS (LANCE) and available to science team now o Data available from SIPS Version B01 of AMSR2 Standard Products Ready for I&T at TLSCF o L3 Sea Ice o L2 Land o L2 Rain / Ocean (GPROF)
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF AMSR-E Schedule Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 All Alg to TLSCF TLSCF Integration & Testing Algorithm Updates due TLSCF I&T* Final updates to TLSCF TLSCF I&T* Dec 2016: FINAL End of Mission algorithm updates due to TLSCF AMSR-E Senior Review Feb 1, 2016 *AMSR-E extension due to Terra-Aqua ROSES ?
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Tentative AMSR2 Schedule Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Beta versionTransitional version Validated version Unified Mask Algorithms to TLSCF TLSCF I&T
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Overview of Tasks Support Science Team Integrate and test science software Maintain metadata, QA software, and ESDT’s Prepare all software for operations environment Deliver DAP to the SIPS Support the SIPS in resolving processing anomalies Support NSIDC (user inquiries and documentation) Documentation and web pages
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Delivered Algorithm Package A package containing software and documentation sufficient to allow a user to recreate the associated standard product 1 DAP per science software delivery DAP version = file version Delivered and installed at SIPS for processing Available to users from NSIDC
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Science Software Integration & Test Procedures Update the metadata, QA, and operational code o Document changes o Integrate the science software o Compile and run the completed software package o Compare output Update Provenance metadata Provide documentation to NSIDC Update the ESDT
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Science Software Integration & Test Procedures Review each science team delivery o Begin with current DAP? o Document changes in software and ancillary files? o Output file meets ECS requirements? o Known issues, bug fixes Compile and run the science software o Document changes necessary to compile at TLSCF o Compare output with that provided by the scientist
16-17 September 2015 Dawn Conway, AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Lead Software Engineer AMSR-E / AMSR2 TLSCF Science Software Integration & Test Procedures Deliver DAP to the SIPS o Science, metadata, & QA software o Makefile and wrapper scripts o Delivery notes o Static ancillary files o Checksums Support SIPS in resolving processing anomalies