Mr. Chris Wheeler 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 2015-2016 Mr. Chris Wheeler 3rd Grade
About Mr. WheeleR Raised in Port Angeles, WA Graduated from CWU - Elementary Ed with SPED Minor Substitute taught for 2 years Student taught and Long Termed in 2nd Grade 6th Grade 3rd Grade last year Excited to teach 3rd grade again this year
English Language Arts Common Core ELA - Expeditionary Learning - NEW First Semester Focus Close Reading Rereading text many times for different purposes Skills Ask and answer questions using text to prove answer Determine main idea and supporting details Summarizing w/ 5W’s (who, what, when, where, why) Story elements & sequencing Writing 3 types of writing – Narrative, Informational, Opinion Organizing writing (sentences & paragraphs) Conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation) Language Parts of Speech
Math Standards – 3rd Grade Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic Develop understanding of fractions as numbers Solve problems involving measurement and estimation Reason with shapes and their attributes Basic fact fluency (addition, subtraction & multiplication)
Math: Engage New York How many lessons per week? 4 to 5 lessons per week Focus on conceptual understanding rather than procedures Homework One page (2 sided) after each lesson IXL levels related to learning targets
Social Studies, Science & Health Map & Geography Skills Communities at Home and Around the World Science Water Human Body Health: Great Body Shop
Homework Reading: Math: Planners: Weekly Check up Sheet Read 30 minutes per night in just right books Reading Log Book Adventure RAZ Kids Math: Written homework IXL (more information to follow) XtraMath Planners: Filled out daily Need to come to and from school each day! Weekly Check up Sheet
Standards Based Grading Grading Scale 4: Advanced (above standard) 3: Proficient (meets standard) 2: Basic (slightly below standard) 1: Below Basic (well below standard) Grades based on ELA Common Core and Math Common Core
Communication with Home Friday Folder Finished work Occasional information from office/PTA Please sign and return the following school day Homework Folder In student binders Check every night Newsletters Emailed home monthly (hard-copy if needed) SWIFT Website: Email (253) 373-3815
Ixl Math Website with math practice – search IXL Students log in and practice levels as assigned. They can do extra practice if they choose. User name: first initial + last name@sunrise Example: cwheeler@sunrise Password: first initial + last initial Example: cw
RAZ Kids Web-based reading program Leveled books Log-in information to follow when accounts are set up
Testing SBA in March or April iReady Testing Reading Multiple Choice/Short Answer Performance Task Math iReady Testing 3 times per year Progress Monitoring as needed Classroom Based Assessment Performance Task in Social Studies