CONFERENCES MY CONFERENCE TIME Use tablet, cell, or computer All scheduling is done by parents!! Reminders sent home Sept. 17 and 25 Anyone not scheduled by Oct. 1 will be assigned a time and given a template to send home with their conference time. The teacher will assign the time. Video Video FAQ FAQ
ESL CONFERENCES CHANGES!!!! ESL Conferences will be held in the classroom Interpreters will be assigned to each wing and set of classrooms WHY CHANGES?? Parents can have the privacy they deserve. Parents can see their students classroom Parents will feel more comfortable to ask questions and address concerns
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Kagan Activity Why don’t we to enter formative data in Infinite Campus? Why do we need to enter formative data in Infinite Campus?
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Expectation of entering data per quarter: General Education classroom teacher 3 formative data points per week Specials-1 Per Quarter Special Education-already input formative data every two week into IEP progress monitoring.
NEED HELP WITH ENTERING DATA? Jamey and Viki are here to help!! Help Sessions: September 15 8:10-8:30 September 17 3:50-4:05 HELP SHEET