Project monitoring Official visit of the Grant Agency on Strengths of the project: professional results, progress compliance with work plan Weaknesses: Project website – contents is unbalanced Legislation related to urban water management should be introduced Evaluation forms – fill it up, evaluate WP3-R9 (GAP analyses survey) – statistical evaluation by professional software (SPSS etc.) WP5-R14 (edited documentation of project results – Curricula) – to be completed WP5-R17 (label from Romanian vocational body) - required Project evaluation report was received at
Structure of the reporting sheet Consortium meetings (minutes, list of participants) Work programme - summary of past and future activities Description of results (max 2500 characters) How does the result contribute to achieve project goals? Deviation from proposal, reasons Type, medium, target sector, availability date Information about testing Involved partners Transfer of innovation Transfer strategy used, experiences Implementing the trasfer of innovation suitability and success of strategies
Structure of the reporting sheet Dissemination and exploitation of results Activity description (Where? When? Why the institution have been chosen?) Target groups, number of participants Involment of target groups/end users, educational structures, sector representatives, decision makers etc. Target group’s statistics Educational field and level No. of people directly addressed to date Problem handling Financial report
Tasks and deadlines Preparation of the reporting sheet Parallel work is suggested: BME+EDV, DHI, UTCB+ApaNova BME will merge into one document Documentation of results (annexes of the reporting sheet) Events: programme, lists of participants, presentations, photos (in original language) Edited documents of WP results (see workplan table) Materials used for dissemination (oral/poster presentation) and information about the event where you have presented Deadlines 15. November – fill in the reporting sheet 30. November 2015 – BME have to receive all documents from partners 31. December 2015 – submit to Grant Agency