Water Notes
Prediction Actual
Water has many characteristics that are essential to life and the maintenance of Earth. Water covers about …
¾ of the surface of Earth
It is the only substance on Earth that is found in great quantities in all three states….
Solid, liquid, and gas
Many of the characteristics of water are due to the attraction water molecules have for one another. This was demonstrated in class by placing drops of water onto a penny. Many more drops than were predicted could be placed on the penny, and the pile of water grew quite high, because the attraction of water molecules for one another (cohesion) was strong enough to counter gravity.
The fact that pepper, needles and water-spiders can stay on the surface of water is evidence of …
Surface tension
Which results in a skin-like characteristic to water’s surface. This phenomenon could be reduced by adding detergent to the water
On a hot summer day, a shallow puddle of water is much cooler than a sheet of metal because water has an unusually high …
Specific heat and will absorb a great deal of heat before its temperature will increase
July December
Unlike most other substances, the solid form of water (ice is) ____ dense
Less dense than the liquid form, resulting in ice forming at the surface of a body of water
In addition to all that, because water will dissolve so many substances, it is often referred to as the universal …
Hydrogen Bonds
Water vs Ice