Feline Behavior
Industry American Association of Feline Practitioners Accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
Statistics Dogs 78.2 Million owned 60% own one dog 29% own two dogs $248/year Cats 86.4 Million owned 33% own one cat 52% own two cats $219/year The Humane Society of the United States. (2011). U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from
Feline Development Similar to dogs, kittens are born with ears and eyes closed. – Ears open as early as 5 days, but no sound orientation until ~ 2 weeks of age. – Eyes open ~ 7-10 days old. Vision develops slowly and is fully developed at 3-4 months. First 2 weeks of life = dragging via forelimbs – Also require queen’s stimulation to urinate and defecate.
Feline Socialization MOST important between 2-7 weeks of age. – As little as 15 minutes per day = friendlier Friendly fathers = more likely to be friendly kittens! – Mothers personality is not as well documented. – If mother is fearful of humans, kittens will learn this behavior. Kittens learn play behavior as early as 3 weeks
Kitten Play Behavior Begins as pawing at siblings ~3 weeks of age Social play increases ~4-11 weeks and includes more chasing and rolling. – Solitary play also develops and includes pouncing on, or swatting at objects. *** It is INAPPROPRIATE to encourage kittens to play with or attack bare hands or other parts of your body! Kittens begin to learn to hunt and kill prey around 4-8 weeks when queen brings live prey back to nest. – By 8 weeks kittens can kill and eat mice.
Feline Personality Types Personality of the feline is formed from a combination of experience and genetics.
Understanding Feline Personality Siamese & Oriental breeds Persian & long hair breeds
Understanding Feline Personality
Feline Personality Types Friendly-Trusting Shy-fearful Active-aggressive
Why do human’s have cats?
Feline Hierarchy
Dominance Sharing
Tail Talk
Friendly Tails
Fearful Tails
Submissive Tail
Aggressive/Scared Tail
Tail Movements I’m Mad/Aggre ssive I’m Scared
Body Posture
Facial Expressions ANY intense emotion such as excitement, fear, anger, pleasure, or agitation, can cause the pupils to dilate. (Kalstone, 2008)
Facial Expressions
Will you please help me?
Behavioral Problems Case Study Inappropriate elimination Notice tail shake
Behavior Problems Case Study Inappropriate scratching
Behavior Problems Case Study Aggression
Additional Feline Issues Reading in your CTVT book is VERY helpful! – Introducing new cat – pp – Destructive behavior – pp – Inter-cat aggression – pg – Human aggression –