Welcome Spring 2015 Flex Days
Thank You Flex Committee Heather Craig, Chair Lisa Gonzales Anthony Villarreal Rosa Arroyo Kim Mansfield
Refreshments Molly Jansen and the Hospitality Club MPC Foundation Join us for Lunch -- the Peninsula Cafe Sign up for 15-minute massages at noon Massage
Flex Day Evaluation – survey up soon Instructor Reflections -- participation vital -- consult with division chair for strategy -- ensure all courses have at least one reflection CTE -- gaining prominence – regional collaboration key -- equivalency at Feb 5 Academic Senate Meeting -- is there an equivalent to the AA degree? Please see All Users for details Next Year? -- and then…
Leadership Campus Climate
Barack Obama “Imagine if we broke out of these tired old patterns. Imagine if we did something different. Understand, a better politics isn’t one where Democrats abandon their agenda or Republicans simply embrace mine. A better politics is one where we appeal to each other’s basic decency instead of our basest fears. A better politics is one where we debate without demonizing each other; where we talk issues and values, and principles and facts, rather than “gotcha” moments, or trivial gaffes, or fake controversies that have nothing to do with people’s daily lives.” -State of the Union Address, January 20, 2015
Maya Angelou Give birth again To the dream. Women, children, men, Take it into the palms of your hands. Mold it into the shape of your most Private need. Sculpt it into The image of your most public self. Lift up your hearts Each new hour holds new chances For new beginnings. Do not be wedded forever To fear, yoked eternally To brutishness. -“On the Pulse of Morning,” January 20, 1993
Thank You