This is the Andersons family:
This is the Andersons family: Jane David
This is the Andersons family: Jane David Jack
This is the Andersons family: Jane David Jack Sam
This is the Andersons family: Jane David Jack Sam Sara
Jane Jack David
Jane JackSamDavid
Jane JackSamSaraDavid
watch Jane is going to watch movies.
play David is going to play tennis.
ride Jack is going to ride his new bike.
read Sam is going to read three books.
paint Sara is going to paint her room.
plans Let’s remember the Andersons family plans : watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room.
plans Let’s remember the Andersons family plans : watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room. What is in common between these sentences?
be going to Right! be going to watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room.
be going to am are is I he she it you we they
verbs Now let’s look at the verbs. watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room.
What is special about these verbs? watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room.
Right! base form
be going to + base form watch 1.Jane is going to watch movies. play 2.David is going to play tennis. ride 3.Jack is going to ride his new bike. read 4.Sam is going to read three books. paint 5.Sara is going to paint her room.
… Complete the sentence: We use be going to + base form to talk about …
future plans We use be going to + base form to talk about future plans.
Also! time expressions We can add also time expressions to show the exact time in the future. For example : tomorrow next week In the summer
For example: We can put the time expressions in the beginning or at the end of the sentence. For example: Next week I am going to fix my car. or I am going to fix my car next week.
Now you will give me one sentence about your plans for the future. Suzan: I am going to visit my grandmother next month. Let’s practice Remember: be going to + base form + (time expression)