10 TH GRADE ENGLISH MONDAY 21 OCT AS YOU COME IN... Place your Purple “Tacking Persuasive Strategies”Quote Tracker and Golden Theme Quote Tracking Handout on Your Desk Agenda: Turn in Poster (if finished over weekend) Add to Golden Theme Quote Tracking Handout Gallery Walk SGQ Review Vocabulary Charades Homework: Study for TOMORROW’S Act III Vocab and Comprehension Test on Tuesday, 10/22.
GOLDEN THEME QUOTE TRACING HANDOUT Please add the following ACT, SCENE, and LINES to theme #1: 1.“Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! Let / not a traitor live!” (III.ii ). 2.“Most noble Caesar! We’ll revenge his death!” (III.ii.244). 3.“Tear him for his bad verses! Tear him for his bad verses! / …. It is no matter, his name’s Cinna; pluck / but his name out of his heart, and turn him going” (III.iii.30-34). 4.“Tear him, tear him!/[They attack him.] Come, brands, ho! Firebrands! To Brutus’, to Cassius’! / Burn all! Some to Decius’ house and some to Casca’s / some to Ligarius’! Away, go!” (III.iii.35-38).
GALLERY WALK Silently walk to a poster. On your purple colored Rhetorical Strategies Quote Tracking Handout, write the quote under the appropriate rhetorical strategy.
LEARNING TARGETS 1.I can identify 2 ways Artemidorus is prevented from reaching Caesar with his warning letter. 2.I can translate, “Et tu, Brute?” and explain how Caesar feels when Brutus stabs him. 3.I can explain how Caesar feels when he says, “Then fall Caesar.” 4.I can define a logical fallacy and summarize a logical fallacy that Brutus makes in his funeral speech. 5.I can infer what the horrible death of Cinna the poet may symbolize.
VOCABULARY CHARADES! Choose a partner I’ll assign you a word Create a skit to help us remember your vocab word The audience will guess what your vocab word is