1 Sasha Milov DC meeting Sept 12, 2007 HBD status Sasha Milov Sept 12, 2007
2 Sasha Milov DC meeting Sept 12, 2007 55 GEM foils (25 Au plated and 30 standard) were ordered from CERN They were delivered in two batches: Batch #8 (May 2007): 20 GEMs (10 Au plated + 10 standard) Batch #9 (end June 2007): 35 GEMs (15 Au plated + 20 standard) The production consists of the following steps: 1.100V test in air (clean room) of the foil before framing 2.100V test after framing 3.100V test after soldering SMD resistors 4.550V test in CF 4 in the lab 5.Gain mapping in Ar/CO 2 at 484V So far 49 GEMs (25 Au + 24 Cu) have been assembled and tested with the following results: 20 Au plated passed all tests (16 in the first try + 4 after cleaning in deonized water) 5 Au plated are bad foils (1 was damaged + 4 did not pass test #4 even after washing in deoinized water) 23 standard foils passed all tests 1 standard foil was found bad upon first inspection (the 5 bad foils – 4 Au plated + 1 standard – will be returned to CERN for replacement) Two boxes have been shipped to SUNY: In June 9 Au plated (3 from last year’s spares + 6 from batch 8) + 15 standard (12+3) Yesterday 14 Au plated + 10 standard Expect to complete the GEM production within one week. GEM production WIS
3 Sasha Milov DC meeting Sept 12, 2007 Initial testing of individual GEMs at 500V in CF4 – not a problem However when assembled and trip is set to 1.5% it requires time to reach low trip rate Trips are currently monitored and reset manually by hand in situ or from home Criterion is: Until signals are visible move up in voltage steps Once signals appear, set gain briefly (15 min) at around 2000 (typically stable for this period). Set gain of 5000…wait hours later stable against tripping Set gain to 8000 and wait for 6 hours…done. This is long, and we are trying to shorten it not compromising the quality. Current status: two stacks passed all the test and installed third is in testing If we continue at the same pace the first HBD will be in place Nov 1. HBD SUNY
4 Sasha Milov DC meeting Sept 12, 2007 We need to make sure that our HV feeds are safe. To ensure that we did following steps: Rid of all extra stored energy in dividers. Get to an “absolute zero” = GEM own capacitance Ensure both GEM and Mesh trip simultaneously and synchronize their decay time to keep dV as low as possible. use Zener protection on the Mesh-GEM gap And most importantly: disconnect the PS and ground the divider at the moment of trip! Use protection on single GEM testing if needed. No more Bertans. LeCroy 1471/Bertan/CAEN LeCroy 1469 HBD SUNYSB grad. student Greg Wille built a scheme based on the same idea. All HBD GEM and stack tests at SUNYSB are now done in safe conditions. HV feeds upgrade
5 Sasha Milov DC meeting Sept 12, 2007 Why relays across the GEMs Top of the top GEM & Mesh Steve Boose Sal Palizzo and Mike Lentz are working on a scheme which senses the LeCroy drive signal and operates relays when it disappears. So we keep all trip setting functionality of LeCroy, while taking trip handling in our own hands.