WHEN YOU COME IN… Please fill out the interest inventory you picked up at the front of the classroom. I will call on some students to share some answers in a few minutes.
WHAT ARE WE DOING TODAY? Today we will learn… Classroom procedures. What are our hopes and fears about this class? How will you be assessed? Classroom activity
CLASSROOM GUIDELINES You are expected to: 1.Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. 2.Not leave class until you are dismissed by the teacher. 3.Always raise your hand before speaking. 4.Respect yourself, other students, and the teacher. 5.Follow directions the first time they are given. 6.Always participate in activities and class discussions.
CONSEQUENCES First Time: Student will receive a verbal warning. Second Time: Student will receive a conference and warning form and a call home. Third Time: Student will receive a referral.
YOU WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE FOLLOWING EVENTS… Speech and Interpretation Declamation Dramatic Performance Duo Interpretation of Literature Extemporaneous Speaking Oral Interpretation of Literature Original Oratory Debate Lincoln-Douglas Debate Public Forum Debate Student Congress
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. If you are caught cheating or plagiarizing another student’s work, you will be given a zero on that work and a referral to the dean’s office.
TARDIES I will strictly enforce the GHS tardy policy. The policy is as follows: First Tardy: Verbal warning. Second Tardy: Conference and Warning Form. Third Tardy: Referral to the dean’s office. Subsequent Tardies: Referral to the dean’s office.
BATHROOM PASSES Please go to the bathroom between classes. If you have an emergency, please raise your hand and ask to go to the bathroom. Please do not ask to go to the bathroom during activities, performances, or while I’m explaining instructions to the class.
YOUR GRADE Your grade will be calculated in the following categories: Performance and Preparation – 50% Participation and Decorum – 30% Quizzes – 20%
PERFORMANCE AND PREPARATION You must perform in each event for the class. You will not be able to pass this class if you do not participate in performances. For each performance, you must prepare. This includes compiling research, writing cases, writing speeches, and planning tech. I will let you know the expectations for each performance ahead of time.
PARTICIPATION AND DECORUM There is a very high standard for decorum and behavior in Speech and Debate. You will be given an overview of classroom rules and tournament decorum this week.
QUIZZES You will periodically be given quizzes regarding events and subject matter covered in this class. Quizzes, content, and format will be announced ahead of time.
HOPES AND FEARS On a sticky note, write two hopes you have for this class and one fear you have regarding this class. You will share with the class in two minutes!