CstM Management & Organization social responsibility
responsibility… re·spon·si·ble [ri-spon-suh-buhl] - adjective 1.having control or authority. 2.being accountable for one’s actions and decisions. 3.chargeable with being the author, cause or occasion of something. re·spon·si·bil·i·ty [ri-spon-suh-bil-i-tee] -noun 1.the state or position of being responsible.
corporate social responsibility… obligations sustainability triple bottom line
stakeholder management… power legitimacy urgency
perspectives on CSR… classical socioeconomic and
be profitable obey the law do what’s right contribute to community evaluating performance… economic responsibility legal responsibility ethical responsibility discretionary responsibility convictioncompliance
strategies… obstructionist defensive accommodativ e proactive “fight social demands” “do minimum legally required” “do minimum ethically required” “take leadership in social initiatives” level of commitment to CSR
governance… corporate self
examples… vers us