Data Management Legend X Y
Data Management Who has the most wins? Who has the most losses? Y X
Data Management Who won the most games? Who lost the most games? Y X Legend
Graph your data Choose one team Graph their home wins and away wins Legend X Y Instructions: Name: _____________________ Home Wins Road Wins Home Wins and Road Wins - Toronto Team Number of Games
Graph your data Choose two teams Graph their home wins and away wins Legend X Y Instructions: Name: __Mr. H_____________ Home Wins and Road Wins – November 9, 2008 Home Wins Road Wins Teams Washington Toronto Number of Games
Use one of your data tables to create a graph Legend X Y Instructions: Name: __Mr. H______________ All wins Top Ten NHL Teams – November 9, 2008 Wins Number of Wins SOW OTW Reg Win OTWSOWReg Win
Use the top 10 teams Add all OTW Add all SOW Add all wins Calculate regular wins all wins – (OTW and SOW)
November 12, 2008 San Jose NY Rangers Detroit Anaheim Buffalo Boston Pittsburgh Carolina Vancouver Montreal Total SOW = 14 Total OTW = 12 All Wins = 91 Regular Wins = All Wins – SOW – OTW = 65