WMarket For Adminstrators Install with Docker or the Automatic Script
Docker (1) The existing docker image creates a Wmarket instance with the following settings – Interal authentication (IdM disabled) – Database at host wmarket_db – Database password: my-secret-pw 2
Docker (2) Create a container to host the database Deploy the WMarket image that you cand find at the Docker Hub 3 docker run --name wmarket_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=marketplace -v /var/lib/mysql - d mysql docker run --name wmarket -v /WMarket -p PORT: link wmarket_db -d fiware/wmarket
Docker (3) If you prefer, you can use docker-compose so you have only to run one command: – Create a new folder – Create a new file in this folder called docker- compose.yml – Copy the content of the attached file [1] in the file you have just created – Run docker-compose up [1] docker/docker-compose.ymlhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/conwetlab/WMarket/master/ docker/docker-compose.yml 4
Script The script allows you to automatically create a new WMarket instance with a custom configuration Script intended for Ubuntu and CentOS 7 To install WMarket using the script: – Download the attached script [2] – Execute the script – It will prompt you some details: Database user name and password Index path: Path to store Lucene indexes Media: Path to store media files and the maximum size of these files Description Autoupdate Period: the period used to check for new offerings in the registered descriptions Authentication configuration: IdM or Local [2] 5