Chapter 2: Finding and Organizing Information – Lesson 5 © 2010, 2006 South-Western, Cengage Learning
Exploring your Digital Space Windows OS is like Mission Control center of your computer –Controls software, folders, and files Saving and Storing your Data Data: information you may want to save Digital Data: is stored in files –You can create & save text, pictures, video & sound files Store (Save) your files in a variety of places Lesson 5 Slide 2
Digital Storage Spaces On your PC –Hard drive: most common storage device or –CD/DVD drive: built into most PCs. CD-RW (ReWritable) only let you save data one time On a peripheral connected to your PC –USB flash drive or memory card: common storage device –DigiTools: Small enough to carry with you -- cameras, cell phones, handhelds Lesson 5 Slide 3
Digital Storage Spaces On local networks (Leaddog) –LAN (Local Area Network): need an account. Networks usually require usernames & passwords –Save in assigned folders (Your Name on Leaddog) –System Administrators: manage the LAN On the Internet –Accessible from any connected PC –“saving online” or “uploading” –Advantages: no need to carry around peripherals –Google, Yahoo, Apple, Microsoft are online examples of storage spaces Lesson 5 Slide 4
Files, Folders, Labels, and Tags Folders: where files are stored Subfolders: smaller folders inside of the main folder. Think Organization!! Labels or Tags: makes it easy to find a file using search tools. –Windows Photo Gallery can organize pictures on PC –Pics can have more than one tag/label –Pic of sea turtle may have the tags: Ocean, Reptile, Animal (think categories) Lesson Slide 5
File Labels or Tags Lesson 5 Slide 6 Files Folders Labels/Tags
Files and Folders Lesson 5 Slide 7