Conserving the Texas Coast
Texas has almost 400 miles of coastline.
We play on its sandy beaches.
We fish from its shores.
We sail its shimmering waves.
The Texas coast is a cradle of life.
Over 400 species of birds rely on the Gulf Coast.
The Gulf is a top destination for birdwatchers worldwide
Coastal waters produce over 100 million pounds of seafood per year.
Saltwater fishing generates over $2 billion annually to the state’s economy.
Rivers and streams pass through our state, our communities, toward the Gulf. Coastal estuaries form where rivers meet the ocean.
Estuaries are a mix of freshwater and saltwater. Freshwater must flow in from rivers and streams to provide the proper salinity to support life.
Estuaries encompass over 2.6 million acres along the Texas coast.
Estuaries act as nurseries. Coastal wetlands support 60%-90% of the country’s commercial fishing.
Coastal wetlands create habitats for native and migrating birds.
We love the coast – but at what price?
70% of our population * lives within 100 miles of the coast. * 24 million and growing !
Increasing water demands on rivers and streams rob fresh water from estuaries.
Careless spills and dumping pollute our coastal waters.
Litter can kill wildlife. Plastics look like food to sea turtles.
Wildlife gets caught in discarded fishing line.
Dredging stirs up toxic sediment.
By saving water at home…
…landscaping with drought-tolerant native plants…
…reducing runoff…
…participating in beach and river clean ups…
...and observing boat restrictions in wetlands...
…we can save our Coast!
Conservation of the Texas Coast is in our hands. How will you help?