©2006 Richard Watson Todd Searching for ELT research n Purposes of searching –While setting up research: General overview of topic Methodological concerns –Finding literature to support specific points
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Key sources for ELT research n KMUTT Library – n ERIC database – n BALD database –mercury.kmutt.ac.th/books/main.asp
©2006 Richard Watson Todd KMUTT library resources n 2 useful databases of full-text articles –H.W. (e.g. ELT Journal) –ScienceDirect (e.g. System, Journal of EAP)
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Link to H. W. database
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Choose the database
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Just type here
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Using ERIC n Mostly returns abstracts only n Largest collection for education n Need to decide on age of articles
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Choose the dates of articles
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Results for: inductive deductive
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Be careful about the database
©2006 Richard Watson Todd
Using BALD n Searches for both articles and books n All available in the Resource Centre n Exact match searches only n Can be used as a directory as well as a search engine
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Use Search by Information
©2006 Richard Watson Todd
Number of records found Gives details of contents Results contain “teacher” or “teachers”
©2006 Richard Watson Todd
Only 5 records returned
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Move the mouse over “More like this” Look at the status bar for the topic
©2006 Richard Watson Todd Notice the different topic
©2006 Richard Watson Todd More hits returned now All results concern error treatment