Research Sources Created by Kathryn Reilly
Types of Research Sources Books Periodicals/Magazines Newspaper Articles Scholarly Articles Databases Reviews Interviews Lectures Media (Film, Television) Websites
Books Are located in libraries and online Contain the most in-depth information Are typically very reliable sources Contain a Table of Contents and Index to assist in the research process
Periodicals/Magazines Are located in libraries, online, and in databases – However, subscription fees may apply online Contain in-depth information Ideal for current news and events May contain biased points of view Shorter resources that may be quickly read
Newspaper Articles Are located in libraries, online and in databases. Contain moderately in-depth information Ideal for current news, such as national and international events. May contain biased points of view Shorter resources that may be quickly read
Scholarly Articles Are found in libraries and online databases Contain in-depth information on specific topics Ideal for analysis Mostly unbiased points of view Contain heightened and content-specific vocabulary
Reviews Are located in books, magazines and online Rarely contain in-depth information Ideal for topics related to media Contains a biased point of view Usually shorter text forms that may be quickly read
Interviews Are located in print sources and media sources – Personal interviews may also be conducted by the researcher May contain in-depth information Ideal for first hand accounts of events Contain a biased point of view Usually of moderate length
Lectures Are located in print (libraries), online, and media sources – May be personally attended by the researcher – Be sure to take notes! May contain in-depth information Ideal for topic-specific research May contain a biased point of view (topic dependent) Usually of moderate length Take Notes!
Media (Film/Television) Are located in libraries and online as well as through live and recorded broadcasts May contain in-depth information May be more difficult to take notes May contain a biased point of view Length is dependent upon media type
Databases Are located online – Many libraries and schools subscribe to databases Can contain in-depth information (resource specific) Ideal for narrowing searches/topics Mostly unbiased points of view – Databases compile articles, interviews and other sources by topics. – However, information within databases has been compiled and reviewed for accuracy.
Websites Are located anywhere with internet access! Usually do not contain in-depth information Can be an unreliable source unless author credibility and copyright can be established Likely contains a biased point of view
Remember… Modern libraries have many digital resources available including e-books, movies, TV series and online databases. Many school libraries subscribe to online databases students may use for free. – However, students will need a password for access. Online sources may be easiest to access, but they are often the most unreliable, unless an author’s credentials may be established.