What is the worst movie you´ve ever seen? Who is the worst actor/actress in your opinion? What is your most favorite movie in English? What is your most favorite movie in Spanish? OJO: Unit 13 quiz (escrito) will be the next class.
Listen to the people talk about some of their Hollywood favorites. Can you guess what movie or actor each person is describing? LISTEN LISTEN
Who or that refer to people. He´s an actor. He won two Oscars. He´s an actor who won two Oscars. He´s an actor that won two Oscars. Which or that refer to things. It´s a movie. It stars Kate Winslet. It´s a movie that stars Kate Winslet. It´s a movie which stars Kate Winslet.
1. He´s a movie director. He made the film Hulk. 2. Yes, it´s an action movie. It stars Johnny Depp. 3. It´s a musical about a girl. She becomes a celebrity. 4. Yes! It was a great book. It was hard to put down.
1. Brad Pitt is an actor… 2. Gladiator is a movie… 3. Sting is a musician… 4. The Simpsons is a TV show…
Listen to the two critics talk about a new movie. What do they like or not like about it? LISTEN LISTEN
Listen to people talk about a book. Match each character with two descriptions.
Before you read: Where was author J.K. Rowling when she got the idea for Harry Potter?
What is the name of a TV or movie star…? What is the name of a TV show or movie…?