Welcome to Tomball Junior High and Creekside Park Junior High One Team, One Goal .
Administration and Department Chairs Principal, Tomball Junior High- Chad Allman Principal, Creekside Park Junior High – Chris Scott Assistant Principals. TJHS- Sara Rush and Todd Abbott Counselors , TJHS- Kathy Donigan and Kim Kluge Special Education - Helen Rodriguez English/Language Arts - Chris Landgrebe History - Kathleen Brough Math –Debbie Bolin Science - Kay Nelson Electives - Amy Greene Athletics - Tina Garner
Bell Schedule 7:10 Gathering Bell 7:20-8:11 1st period 8:16-9:11 2nd period 9:16-10:07 3rd period 10:12-11:03 4th period 11:03-12:28 5th period Lunches: “A”- 11:03-11:28 “B”- 11:33-11:58 “C”- 12:03-12:28 12:33-1:24 6th period 1:29-2:20 7th period
Changing Classes, Organization TRANSITION Intermediate to Junior High Changing Classes, Organization Extra-Curricular Options 7 Classes; 7 Teachers No Recess Preparation for High School Independence; More Responsibility Bigger School; More Students BYOD
Success in Junior High Be at school and be on time to your classes. Stay organized with schedule and materials. Continue developing study skills including how to take notes, how to be a self-advocate in learning, and scheduling study time, etc.
Involvement Cheerleading – tryouts in May Athletic summer camps Math and Science Club Cougars for Christ Team Tryouts Student Council Theatre productions Yearbook Band/Choir/Orchestra This list is not all inclusive…
Typical 7th Grade Schedule English Math Social Studies Science PE class Elective course
PRE-AP ELA and Social Studies Initial Placement Criteria In order for students to qualify for enrollment in the Pre-AP ELA or SS courses, students must meet the following criteria: 85 or higher for yearly average in ELA course preceding year to qualify for ELA Pre-AP 85 or higher for yearly average in Social Studies course preceding year to qualify for SS Pre-AP OR Level III on STAAR ELA test the preceding year to qualify for ELA OR SS Pre-AP EXIT Students may ONLY exit at the end of the semester. These were the requirements for 2015-2016. At this time, the requirements remain the same. We will post on our website any changes.
Pre-AP/Accelerated Math/Science Requirements Must be currently enrolled and passing in the advanced class. Math/Science: If not currently enrolled in the advanced class, students must go through a screening procedure at their current campus. Contact your intermediate school counselor for information.
Accelerated Requirements Math Accelerated Math can be taken without being enrolled in Accelerated Science. Compacted curriculum (1 ½ years) to prepare students for Algebra Science Accelerated Science cannot be taken without being enrolled in Accelerated Math
Physical Education (required) (1 Full Year) Boys Athletics (football, basketball, cross country, track) Girls Athletics (volleyball, basketball, cross country, track) Dance I Leadership Officer Training Corp (LOTC) To participate in Athletics/Cross Country, students must have a current UIL physical on file. Physicals must NOT be completed before May 1, 2016 or they will not be valid for 2016-17 school year. Physicals will be offered at TMHS & THS. Physicals at Tomball Memorial High School on April 29th from 3:00-5:30 pm. Physicals at Tomball High School on May 13th from 3:00-5:30 pm.
Technology (required) __X___ * BUS 003 Touch System Data Entry (required in 7th grade and receives High School credit) Touch System Data must be paired with one of the following courses. Please number your choices 1-4 in order of preference. __1___ CTE 8043 BFM Business Finance Marketing __4___ CTE 8033 CAR Exploring Careers __3___ CTE 8023 HHS Health and Human Services __2___ *CTE 8013 PIT Principles of Information * High School Credit Course
Electives Full Year Half Year Art Crafts Theater I Creative Writing Students are grouped according to ability for the following: Band Orchestra Choir - Boys Choir – Girls Half Year Crafts Creative Writing Exploring Languages Intro Spanish Yearbook
Intermediate Course Selections TIS: 1/8/2016 CFES: 1/11/2016 TCES: 1/11/2016
Immunizations All incoming 7th graders are required to get the following immunizations: Tdap Varicella Meningococcal Proof of these must be submitted to school nurse before start of school in August. Students will not receive a schedule until immunizations are complete
Welcome to Tomball Junior High and Creekside Park Junior High