Electronic Media Basics
Which Media: Print, Television or Radio? Print, Television or Radio? 1. Great ads will fail if the media chosen do not reach the right audiences. Newspapers and magazines have inherent advantages and disadvantages. Newspapers and magazines have inherent advantages and disadvantages. Broadcast media, TV and radio, also have inherent advantages and disadvantages. Broadcast media, TV and radio, also have inherent advantages and disadvantages.
Television For many, TV defines what advertising is For many, TV defines what advertising is In 2004 advertisers spent $68 billion on television. In 2004 advertisers spent $68 billion on television. Many more billions are spent on commercial production. Many more billions are spent on commercial production.
Television Categories Network television Network television Cable television Cable television Syndicated television Syndicated television Off-network syndication Off-network syndication First-run syndication First-run syndication Barter syndication Barter syndication Local television Local television Satellite and closed-circuit television Satellite and closed-circuit television
Advantages of Television Advantages Advantages Creative opportunities Creative opportunities Coverage, reach, and repetition Coverage, reach, and repetition Cost per contact Cost per contact Audience selectivity Audience selectivity Narrowcasting Narrowcasting
Disadvantages of Television Disadvantages Disadvantages Fleeting message Fleeting message High absolute cost High absolute cost Poor geographic selectivity Poor geographic selectivity Poor audience attitude and attentiveness Poor audience attitude and attentiveness DVR/TiVo DVR/TiVo Clutter Clutter
Buying Procedures for Television Advertising Sponsorship Sponsorship Participation Participation Spot advertising Spot advertising Choosing a day- part Choosing a day- part Morning Daytime Early fringe Prime-time access Prime time Late news Late fringe
Measuring Television Audiences Sources for network and local audience information: Sources for network and local audience information: A. C. Nielsen A. C. Nielsen Arbitron provides network information Arbitron provides network information
Measures of TV Audiences Program Rating Program Rating Percentage of TV households in a market that are tuned to a program during a time period Percentage of TV households in a market that are tuned to a program during a time period Program rating = TV households tuned to a program Total TV households in the market
Measures of TV Audiences Share of Audience Share of Audience Proportion of households using television (HUT) in a specific time period that are tuned to a program Proportion of households using television (HUT) in a specific time period that are tuned to a program Program Share = TV households tuned to a program Total TV households using TV
Future of Television Future appears exciting. Future appears exciting. Interactive era will affect TV as an advertising medium. Interactive era will affect TV as an advertising medium. DVRs increase viewer satisfaction but may compromise advertising. DVRs increase viewer satisfaction but may compromise advertising. An increase in direct broadcast by satellite An increase in direct broadcast by satellite Arrival of HDTV Arrival of HDTV Massive consolidation of media companies Massive consolidation of media companies
Radio Radio categories Radio categories Radio networks Radio networks Radio syndication Radio syndication AM versus FM AM versus FM Satellite radio Satellite radio Types of radio ads Types of radio ads Local spot radio Local spot radio Network radio advertising Network radio advertising National spot radio advertising National spot radio advertising
Radio Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages Advantages Cost Cost Reach and frequency Reach and frequency Target audience selectivity Target audience selectivity Flexibility and timeliness Flexibility and timeliness Creative opportunities Creative opportunities Disadvantages Disadvantages Poor audience attentiveness Creative limitations Fragmented audiences Chaotic buying procedures
Buying Procedures for Radio Advertising Ad time may be purchased from: Ad time may be purchased from: Networks Networks Syndications Syndications Local radio stations Local radio stations About 80% is placed locally About 80% is placed locally Radio has five basic day parts Radio has five basic day parts Morning drive time Daytime Afternoon/eveni ng drive time Nighttime Late night
Measuring Radio Audiences Average quarter hour persons Average quarter hour persons Average number of station listeners in a 15- minute segment Average number of station listeners in a 15- minute segment Average quarter-hour share Average quarter-hour share Percentage of total radio audience listening to a station during a specified 15-minute segment Percentage of total radio audience listening to a station during a specified 15-minute segment Average quarter-hour rating Average quarter-hour rating Audience during a quarter-hour expressed as a percentage of the measurement area population Audience during a quarter-hour expressed as a percentage of the measurement area population Cume Cume Total number of different people who listen for at least five minutes in a 15-minute segment Total number of different people who listen for at least five minutes in a 15-minute segment
The Future of Radio Subscription radio/satellite Subscription radio/satellite Emerging technologies and new media Emerging technologies and new media Consolidation Consolidation