HOMEWORK # 4 OVERVIEW Aliya Farheen Oct
HOMEWORK 4 OVERVIEW Open the directions file online to follow the flow of the assignment: Create database and 3 tables –Populate and relate as described Create 5 Queries Create a Form with Subform Create a Report Analysis Questions
STEP2 Create ribbon->table Switch to design view and name it as Networks Remove the Id field Create the fields NetworkName and NetworkAbbreviation with text datatype Enter the records into table
STEP3 Create a table with name Genres. Switch to design view and rename the Id field as GenreID Create the fields GenreName with text datatype Enter the records into table
STEP5 Create a table named Shows Leave the Id field as primary key field with autonumber data type. Create the fields –Network (Create Relationship to Networks Table and enforce referential integrity and enable cascade updates) –ShowName (Text datatype) –Genre (which looks up the values in Genres table and edit the relationship created by the lookup to enable data integrity restricting the deletes) –Rating (Fixed type number field with 1 decimal place) –Share (Percentage number field with 1 decimal place) –Viewers (standard number field with no decimal places) –Day (Create lookup to day from Sunday to Saturday) –Time (Medium date/time field) Enter the records into table
STEP6A Create->Query Design Add tables Genres,Shows and Networks [Shows] ShowName [Networks] NetworkName [Genres] GenreName [Shows] Rating, Share, Viewers, Day, Time Sort in descending order for Rating and then for Share. Run the Query and save it as Query 6A.
STEP6B Create->Query Design Add Networks and Shows table Add the fields ShowName,NetworkName, Ratings & Viewers. Add Criteria for rating >=5 And <=7 Sort in ascending order for NetworkName and then for Rating.
STEP6C Create->Query Design Add Genres and Shows table Add the fields GenreName, ID, Viewers Add the totals row Change the contents of total row from Group By to Count for ID and to Sum for Viewers. Format Viewers as Standard with no decimal places Sort Viewers in descending order.
STEP6D Create->Query Deign Add the tables Networks and Shows [Networks] NetworkName [Shows] Rating Change the contents of total row from Group By to Average for Rating. Format Rating as fixed number type with 2 decimal places Sort NetworkName in ascending order.
STEP6E Create->Query Design Add the table Shows [Shows] ShowName, Rating, Share, Viewers Add the calculated field Households: ([Rating]* ) Format Households as standard number type with 0 decimal places. Sort Viewers and then Households in descending order.
STEP7 Create->Form Wizard Select Network table and add NetworkName field Select Shows table and add all the fields from that table Click Next 3 times and change the Names of form and subform as indicated in instructions Click Finish
STEP8 Create->Report Wizard Select Query6A and add all the fields Click next and select by Genre Click next two times and give sorting order for the fields as indicated in instructions Click next and select stepped layout and landscape orientation Click next and give the name for the Report as ShowSummary and click finish.
STEP8 CONTINUED…. Switch to layout view and adjust the width of the fields in Report
STEP 9 New Table ‘AnalysisQuestions’ with 2 fields –QuestionNumber Field values will be the question designators from the assignment (9a, 9b, 9c…) –Answer Field values will be your answers to the given question Make it of data type “Memo” This table is not related to the others, merely a place to put the answers to your Analysis Questions. Make sure answers are RECORDS in datasheet view, and NOT TYPED IN DESIGN VIEW ! ! !