Tanzanian German Programme to Support Health Capacity Development and Human Resources Component
2 Indicator The percentage of the health workers who successfully completed training in the regional Health Training facilities (Zonal health Training Institutes), increases by 25% A 20% reduction of vacant positions for Lindi and Mtwara (Baseline 2008/ vacancies) At least 75% of DMOs posts (at present 14 posts) are filled by MDs/AMOs with MPH 3 February 2016 Component /package name
3 Approach - The human resources crisis in the Tanzanian health sector is jointly addressed by several agencies within the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) in the health sector The technical working group on Human Resources for Health, led by the directorate of human resources in the MoHSW. With several development partners, such as CIDA, USAID, SDC, JICA, ITECH/CDC supporting the MoHSW in implementation of the Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan , RMOs and DMOs in the regions and districts Health Secretaries of the hospitals, districts and regions Health Training Institutions Health Professional associations Christian Social Services commission Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania 3 February 2016 Component /package name
4 Activities Strengthening the capacity and institutional development of ZHRCs in the working programme regions Strengthening HRH Planning for recruitment and retention including HRH management Strengthening education, training and development for HRH 3 February 2016Component /package name
5 Challenges The health trained staff gap of 65% for both public and private health facilities Un filled funded post Small number of recruitment permits Long process of recruitment Posting, Deployment and retention Un equivalent increase of pre-service and in- service training enrolment Funding and coordination of the HRH activities 3 February 2016Component /package name
6 Next steps Capacitate the Health training schools in terms of infrastructure, teaching and learning materials, accommodation Recruitment of more tutors (more than 80 tutors to be recruited 2010/2011) Include the HRH as a priority area in CCHP guideline for planning by the councils Increase support in terms of sponsorship for pre and in- service trainings Soliciting more funds for HRH (Global fund round 9, CIDA, USAID etc) 3 February 2016Component /package name