Rey Ty Levels of Analysis Rey Ty
Three Models (Graham Allison) Model I: Classical Rational Actor Model (RAM) Realism & Neorealism: Morgenthau, Schelling, Kennan, Waltz, Kissinger, etc. Unitary states as key players who act rationally, calculating costs & benefits of policy choices to maximize utility Model II: Organizational Process or Behavior Model Liberalism & Neorealism: Keohane, Doyle Not ”act” or “choices” but OUTPUTS of organizational SOPs Model III: Bureaucratic or Governmental Politics Model e.g. President Obama vs. Republicans in both Houses of Confress Competition among decision making units; no single strategic master plan; diverse conceptions of nat’l, org’nal & personal goals
Rey Ty Three Levels of Analysis (Martin Griffiths & Terry O’Callaghan) International Political System e.g. Realism & Neorealism: Morgenthau, Schelling, Kennan, Waltz, Kissinger, etc. Balance of power in an anarchical structure of the system Domestic Politics States are nominal actors but national behavior is determined by… Action & interaction of bureaucracies, legislatures, political parties, business & union lobbies, & other advocacy groups Individuals Acting & Interacting e.g. Gorbachev & Reagan Choices, actions, & interactions of powerful individuals
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis (John T. Rourke) 1 Individual Individual, group, or as a species 2 State Countries are the key actors 3 System Top-down view of the structure & pattern
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis (Karen Mingst) Individual Personality, perceptions, activities, choices State Government, economy, interest groups, national interest International International norms/ rules, TNCs, Intergovernmental organizations, alliances
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis (Joshua Goldstein) 1 Individua l Great/ crazy leaders, decision making, perception, learning, assassinations, accidents of history, citizens’ participation (vote, rebel, go to war) 2 Domesti c Nationalism, ethnic conflict, type of gov’t, democracy, dictatorship, domestic coalitions, pol parties & elections, public opinion, gender, econ sectors & industries, foreign policy bureaucracies 3 Interstat e Power, balance of power, alliance, wars, treaties, trade agreements, IGOs, diplomacy, summit meetings, bargaining, reciprocity 4 Global N-S gap, world regions, European imperialism, UN, world environment, tech. change, info revo, global telecom, worldwide scientific & business communities
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis Global or System Interstate State State- Society Organization Bureaucratic Politics Individual Rey Ty’s Synthesis of the Literature
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis 7 Global or System 6 Interstate & international society 5 State 4 State-Society 3 Organization 2 Bureaucratic Politics 1 Individual Rey Ty’s Synthesis of the Literature
Rey Ty Levels of Analysis Rey Ty’s Synthesis of the Literature Individual Psychology, Choices, Action, & Interaction Domestic State (Organization, Bureaucracies) & Civil Society interaction within a country State Foreign policy: “The United States supports x and condemns y.” Internationa l Between or among countries, TNCs, civil society, & individuals Global System Global climate change, economic globalization
Rey Ty Rey Ty’s Synthesis of the Literature
Rey Ty References 1. Graham T. Allison & Philip Zelikow. (1999). Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: Longman. 2. Joshua S. Goldstein. (Latest edition). International Relations. New York: Longman. 3. Martin Griffiths & Terry O’Callaghan. (2003). International Relations: The Key Concepts. London & NY: Routledge. 4. Karen A. Mingst. (Latest edition). Essentials of International Relations. New York & London: W. W. Norton & Company. 5. John T. Rourke. (Latest ed.). International Politics on the World Stage. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.
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Levels of Analysis Rey Ty